Thursday, February 07, 2013

Five (5) things: Thursday 7th February

  1. Spend morning writing a presentation which goes from "quite shit" to "alright, as it goes" in a perplexing way that has something to do with a picture of two babies in hockey jerseys punching each other in a playful style. Find self saying "yes yes very interesting" out loud to myself about my own presentation whilst sitting in an open-plan office listening to Sufjan Stevens on a set of Sennheiser noise-cancelling headphones accidentally 'acquired' from my last workplace.
  2. Decide not to go to Toronto tomorrow morning because of pending snowstorm but was told had to go so went tonight instead.  Forgot to pack undercrackers.
  3. Got 90% of the way to airport, realize have forgotten ID required to mount a plane. Make taxi go back the other way, wait, then come back again. Was sure would miss flight but O happy day flight delayed by 2 hours: good (caught it); bad: 2 hours late, wasn't allowed to land, crammed in tiny seat for 90 minutes more than any living being should be next to two girls I can only describe as asinine. Read the WestJet magazine twice and two chapters of a book that includes the word "Measurebation".
  4. Get in cab. Driver says, do you mind if we take someone else too, there are few cabs tonight in this (non-existent) Torontonian snowstorm. A man gets in who is tall and thin with a sharp face carved from cheap frozen cheese. He is a consultant and he travels the whole time. He has a baby and he thinks that ladies should stay at home and not work especially as childcare costs $3,000 a month. (If this is the case he is an idiot and living in the wrong place and probably sending his kiddy to an organic free range nursery of some kind). It is all a bit embarrassing. He gets out of the car. The driver (in cap) attempts analysis. I realize it is 10.30pm.
  5. Am on bed in hotel. They always leave me free biscuits.


asta said...

Re 4. Same day I read article containing words " print collateral". You still win.

Anonymous said...

Ah there you are again. Took me a few days to catch on. Approved content! Proceed at will.


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