Friday, January 26, 2007

Day 199: I Watch A Shrimp On A Treadmill Listening To Curtis Mayfield

I have also watched this and teared up a bit (despite the fact that that Judi Bowker was an idiot and didn't deserve a horse like Beauty):

And this. This was REALLY good.

What is even better is this, which is a variation on the same theme. Longer, but better in so many ways. Ways I can't quite describe.

(With thanks to my brother, Runningmonkey.)


Anonymous said...

dat shrimps got SOUL, baby !

Anonymous said...

Tonight I founded the NSPCS - the national society for the prevention of cruelty to shrimps (although I'd call that baby a prawn myself). I'm hoping for HRH Prince of Wales's support, so we might get that all-important "R".

Anonymous said...

Got sick watching the vinyl go round and round, wish he'd kept the caamera still. He was right about the middle instrumental though.
Was it a young Michael Jackson singing the previous version? Think about it.

monkeymother said...

So sorry, he got out of the straitjacket again.


Oh for God's sake. You three, of all people, should know better.


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