Monday, January 22, 2007

Day 196: I Am Almost Definitely Going To Amsterdam

Hot news! A nice Canadian man (not the self-haircutting pathologist), a nice lady with a kind laugh and I are ever closer to "closing the deal"! We have had a brief 'conference call', during which they murmured in sonorous tones into a desk telephone, and I yelped into my mobile telephonic device whilst trying to remove pork chop from my new crown. Now we are exchanging emails.

A man called Otto has just emailed me to tell me I can, if I wish, rent a house "across the canal from [your] office" for the knock-down price of 5,000 Euro. I said no, reeling slightly at the expense; but most of all I am reeling from regular recent use of the following expressions:

- the office
- my office
- I will be at work
- I will be working
- I have got job (for a bit)

I am sure I will die of shock on the first day, for it has been six and a half months since I worked in an office with other people. I will have to concentrate and remember what it's like; from what I can recall, it has little to do with watching Murder She Wrote, and everything to do with not eating sweets all day, laughing when people tell you what to do, or talking to people like they are mentally deficient.

Excitingly, however, I will be joining a Gymnasium in the Amsterdam, as cycling about the place without lights will not be enough to significantly reduce the doughboy-like appendages that still lurk about the place like Banquo's porky ghost.

I have made my choice of Gymnasium without so much as viewing the facilities: I shall be joining the one that is run by a man named Pepijn Le Heux. I am hoping he will be my Particular Friend, so that I may introduce him to others. "Let me introduce you!", I will cry, clogs flapping in the wind. "This is my Particular Friend, Pepijn Le Heux!".

Pip pip!


apprentice said...

Excellent!!! I love Amsterdam. Have a rice tafal (splg???) for me. Oh and visit the flower market.
One of my favourite photographs was taken there, lots of wee bunches of blue muscari. I love how you can walk everywhere.

Hope you enjoy the experience, and I'm sure the office will be cool, hope it's on a canal with lots of lovely watery light.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Two sources of almond cakes, Droste chocolates and old Gouda.


Anonymous said...

Ontbijtkoek - Breakfast cake indeed!

Anonymous said...

Pepijn Le Heux? Does he have a white stripe running up his forehead and down his back? Does he chase cats in an amourous fashion? Is he a bit whiffy?


Jesus CHRIST, Farty, thank GOD someone spelt it out!

Cake, yes, cheese. Also nice flowers. Also still waiting for email from employer agreeing Final Terms.

It is Very Vexing.

fiona said...

my little sister is very excited, but mostly about the pathologist. she even looked up the word in the dictionary. enjoy the dam but don't stick your finger in one or you'll be stuck there for ages.

Anonymous said...

There's some cracking Mexican restaurants in Amsterdam too.

Not keen on the Coffee Milk stuff though.

Good cake though.

Z said...

Pepijn Le Heux. Oh, he is worth moving to Amsterdam for, even without the office and colleague perquisites.

Salty licorice. Oh, delicious. And that wonderful chewy gingerbread which I remember from my childhood but, since I have never visited the Netherlands since, I have not tasted for many a decade. I associate it with St Nicholas, so maybe it is his own gingerbread.

Most of your readers are a bit fixated on food, it seems.

Julia Buckley said...

Have you checked to make sure that this man, the gym owner, is not in fact a cartoon skunk?

Pants said...

You never forget how to work in an office - it's like falling off a bicycle only much, much worse.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that pommes frites aka chips are really good, and of course there is Dutch beer, chocolates...ooooh you will need to join a gym with those temptations around.


Dearest Pants, it is this EXACTLY that I am worried about.

Z - I am delighted that most of my readers are fixated on food, as I am too. I love gingerbread. Shall I bring you some back? I also like those little spiced biscuits very much indeed. So much I cannot buy them, for unlike other biscuits, I would eat the whole packet. They get stuck in your molars in a very satisfying way. And I am completely with you on salty liquorice.

Julia - he is not a cartoon skunk. I know this thing for a fact. I am delighted by the man though because, as is obvious, he sounds like Pepe Le Pew, and Pepe Le Pew is my single most favouritest cartoon character name ever, apart from Deputy Dawg.

Martina - YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT? It seems my apartment (2sq ft, must clean it myself) is up 8 flights of Dutch stairs though, so it'll be fine.

Fiona - I am utterly intrigued! Why is your sister excited? Can you ask her to tell me what a pathologist is, as I am still not clear.

Z said...

Ooh, yes please, and in return I will make you jars of marmalade and, in season, gooseberry jelly and quince cheese. I feel sure you like quince immensely.

fiona said...

my little sister is very excited because she was right about a pathologist having NOTHING to do with dinosaurs. imagine!


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