Friday, February 15, 2013

Five (5) Things. Friday 15th February (+1)

  1. Didn't realise it is the week it is. Thought the big thing was a week away. It is on Monday. Thought for a long time along the lines of 'just as well' etc (while leaning back in chair and bouncing) as am hopeless without some small bit of pressure due to imminent deadline. All those people who plan ahead and have their presentation done 4 days early are weird. 
  2. Read a bit of a book about industrial psychology. I like this behavioural economics malarkey. You know, don't worry about the price of things it is if someone says 'hello' that is important. Very good. Carry on. 
  3. Not sure about sweet potato in soup if it's not blended. Strange. Not sure why I don't like it. 
  4. Phoned someone up and sang "I just called to say I love you".
  5. Got train. Surprised by man opposite, hugely tall, face like a cottage loaf with eyes made of tiny currants and feet like the pointy shoes in Vic 'n' Bob, talking proudly with the voice of a young girl. 

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