Ah, yes. Hello. "Where have you been? We do not really care, but still, we were a bit curious", I hear you cry. (I can hear you shouting it, even if the sound is not coming out of your mouths.)
I have not been anywhere, is the answer. I am in Montreal still, waiting to be given a bilingual double-thumbs up by two governments. Whilst I wait, my tiny monkey face presses against the window, watching the snow fall and fall out of the sky.
At night, when we are at the country extension of Monkey Towers, the little red light that tells us that it is under -15 outside has been on a lot. It was -32 last week, which I heard described as "a bit fresh" by a Canadian. (They are as hard as fucking nails, Canadians. You heard it here first. Do not believe the wishy-washy hype.) The exciting weather conditions have, however, allowed me to have some excellent conversations with my husband, a French-Canadian veterinary research histopathologist. For e.g.:
We are in bed, a sort of Arts and Crafts affair that is very high off the ground. There is an electric blanket; only one side is on (c.f. point re. Canadians being as hard as nails) and I am on that side, spreading myself out as much as possible in manner of a starfish in a Michelin man suit. A small cat is batting away imaginary moths. It is snowing. Outside, the wind's incomplete unrest builds and disperses clouds in the sky, and dark towns heap up on the horizon.
Me: You know it's -32 outside?
F-CVRH: (Puts down the New Yorker, takes off reading glasses, $5 from the chemist) Yes.
Me: How long, right, would it take for me to DIE if I was outside now, but naked?
F-CVRH: (Long sigh, like is explaining to tiny child what gravity is) Not long.
Me: What is "not long"? You are a rubbish scientist. You need to be more precise.
F-CVRH: I mean "not long".
Me: But what do you MEAN? 4 minutes? Three hours? Half an hour?
F-CVRH: A couple of hours.
Me: OK. I will take it that you mean maybe up to two but probably less. Anyway. Is it true that if you are about to die of hypothermia and you are with another person, you should take all your clothes off? Is it? Is it?
F-CVRH: Aren't you tired yet?
Me: No. Also, what do you prefer: doing a wee, or doing a poo?
When I am not having conversations and waiting, I am watching films in cinemas, at home and on aeroplanes. So many, in fact, that I have decided to become a film critic. I know you will not be surprised - I am very talented and it is only to be expected that I can analyse things and give you my opinion on them. OK. Here goes.
The King's Speech
Entertaining. Colin Firth is quite handsome in it. Queen Mother comes across as quite nice when in fact we all know she was a gin-soaked old lady with disgraceful teeth and a cupboard stuffed with the desiccated bodies of her dead Corgis, their tiny faces stretched in a rictus grin for all eternity. An Australian plays the king that resigned. His face does not look right at all.
The Kids Are All Right
It was all right. I had a bottle of water and an orange sweet.
"So the thing is, right, that he'll be woken up by the bump, but the thing is, we have to knock him out so you might think he won't notice the bump if he's unconscious. So what I've made sure I've done is invent a drug that will knock him out WITHOUT interfering with his inner ear function."
Oh shut up.
The Social Network
I liked it. The trailer is good and I am sure that bad advertising agencies will be using it to explain to their clients what "the social media" is before the year is out.
Barney's Version
I liked it a lot. Set in Montreal and thereabouts so good if you can't be bothered to visit here but wonder what it looks like. (I can send photos if you're that interested.) Paul thingy is very good.
I laughed a lot in it and ate half an almond biscuit. Enjoyment of film enhanced by running commentary from 7 old ladies and gents behind a) pointing out bits of Montreal they recognised; b) being rude about the quality of the wedding in the wedding scene; c) speaking a language we did not understand, but guessed at Romanian. Canadian film. I cried a bit in it too. (P.S. The makeup is astonishing. Truly.)
This is a ALSO a Canadian film and it is very very very very very very very very good. It is up for an Oscar because it is not in English. It is not exactly a thigh-slapper but everyone sat in silence at the end (no crying or anything embarrassing like that) and then went out silently without doing that bollocks "Oh this is what I think" shite that people do after seeing 'arty' films. You had better read a bit about it.
I Am Love
In this film, Tilda Swinton pretends to be a Russian lady living in Milan. She shows a man how to make ukha, then the family are angry and she runs away. I have literally no fucking idea what it was all about it but it looked nice. It is Italian.
This is a film about two people with cystic fibrosis in a Belgian hospital. Proof of my theory (that I am building) that the more unpromisingly weird a film sounds, the better it is. It is brilliant. Everyone sat in silence, etc (see 'Incendies' above). Link here.
I think that is enough for now. I have seen other films of course, and turned other ones off after 3 minutes, and watched over 300 episodes of "Come Dine With Me', but that is for another day. If you like my film reviews (and admit it, they are excellent), I will do more. In the meantime I shall say:
Pip "Shit off, Mark Kermode" Pip
P.S. What film do you think I should see next? I will see it if:
1. I haven't seen it already;
2. It is not a Mike Leigh film;
3. It is not either Sex and the City 2, Eat Love Pray or anything adapted from a 'book' by that Aherne woman.
Otherwise, I have a very, very high tolerance of films and books that other people dismiss as "chick lit", "chick flicks" etc etc so do not hold back.
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
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Well, IS it true that if you are about to die of hypothermia and you are with another person, you should take all your clothes off? How can I have got all the way through your splendid weblog update without an answer to this question?
Katy - yes. Because it will be far more entertaining for the coroner who must then try to disentangle two stark naked corpses entwined and frozen together. Just think how educational it will be for the wee first year medical students who are doing their mandatory corpse tour!
Films - if you haven't yet, Secret of Kells. The story is, well, I suppose it's fine but I'm not sure as I was so dazzled by its gorgeousness that I couldn't pay attention. Really truly, it's absolutely beautiful. I was utterly annoying to watch it with as I kept wriggling and chirping - OOOH! Lookit the WOLVES! And did you see the LEAPING FISHES? And I think that was a visual metaphor there! I really do!!
When you say "small cat", I take it you're not referring to Corndog...
what movie?
"The Way Back"
We in the City of Satan don't have most of the movies to which you gave high marks. Need I tell you this is a cultural wasteland as far as movies go (aside from the excellent film festivals, none of which is on now)?
Oh....I forgot to say how much I liked your first movie reviewing post! The precious, see-how-smart-i-am movie reviews in the newspapers are nauseous.
Your review of "The King's Speech" was perfect, and your review of "The Kids Are All Right" was even better (shorter and with BRIEF snack review, too).
Please, Little Nonworking Monkey, install your movie reviews as a PERMANENT FEATURE.
"Dogtooth" is weird but great and Greek
How about Black Swan? I'd be very interested to see your take on that as you were spot on with The King's Speech
I could watch Come Dine With Me all day; sadly I do have to go to work.
Have you seen Lars And The Real Girl? About a man with a blow up doll? As you say, the weirder the premise, the better the film - and I REALLY enjoyed this one. Honestly.
Get it on DVD :-)
Fried Green Tomatoes At The Whistlestop Cafe - about loads of things, including murder and a very tender love story. Watch it.
Wall-E - my favourite animated film. About a sweet-natured little robot who aches for companionship and finds it in the form of the trigger-happy Eve :-)
so glad that you are not frozen to a pole in the great white north. your reveiws are wonderous, love them to death.
Ooh no, not Black Swan! I had to walk out before the end because I was going to either pass out or throw up. It is weird, and I didn't even get to eat any Minstrels or anything.
WV = cunce
Ooh no, ooh no, do do Black Swan, pleeeze. I can't wait to read your ace spot on review. It features a cake scene and brilliant diaglogue. I think you will like it, even if you hate it. If you know what I mean.
I have just discovered that the satnav in an Alfa Romeo Giulietta has the exact same voice as Bad Boss Blockbuster alter ego. I keep expecting my car to tell me about poo in reception. So far it's mostly "at the fork, keep right". I'll let you know.
deathproof, quentin tarantino with Kurt Russell being quite extraordinary
I have been too shy to reply. Also, I have been watching other films to report back on. I am lining up the VHS tapes as I type.
I will be back.
The Illusionist
You are one of my heroes!
Please continue with the film reviews. Now!
I am assuming you have already seen Billy Wilder's The Apartment (and correctly acknowledge that it is the closest to perfection that anything in Western art has so far achieved).
That being the case Funny Bones is very far from perfect but nonetheless somewhat wonderful.
Yes! Comment box now working for me! Thanks for letting me know, lovely monkey. As for films, I'm at least 15 years behind. Hopeless. Email reply to you v soon. xx
'The Fall'. Just beautiful.
'The Shootist'. It's the Duke's last film. He is dying in the movie and for real.
'L'homme du train'. Yes, THAT Johnny Hallyday.
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