Monday, April 19, 2010

I prepare the badges

Astonishing news: the badges are in their envelopes, ready for despatch. The print quality is remarkably low, due mainly to the fact that the 'typography' (i.e, letters put together to make words) was done in PowerPoint and then screen-grabbed. Do not mess with me! I do not spare any effort when it comes to producing high-quality tat.

My handwriting is virtually illegible, so if you have asked for one and it comes, don't expect to be able to read what I've written on the accompanying note - just be grateful that it got to you at all.  An example loiters on the left - this was me putting a new cartridge in my pen and getting the nib going (as the actress said to the bishop), and it says "Monkeys in a tree, all in a tree." Obviously.

Anyroad up, here is the list of people who are getting one - if you've asked for one and aren't on the list, let me know - I have a few left which is odd, because only yesterday I had none (i.e., 0) left according to my calculations. Here we are:
  1. Neil
  2. Jonathan
  3. Sherry
  4. Tracy
  5. Glamourous Finnish person with very unusual (to me, but maybe not in Finland) name so I won't repeat it here
  6. Shelley
  7. Tracie
  8. Martin
  9. John
  10. Jenny
  11. Fiona
  12. Emily
(Some others have already been despatched under separate cover.)

That is all for now. Tomorrow, I will be asking you (i.e, you my adoring readers and/or fans) for your help.  Can you wait? Probably not. I know, it's difficult, isn't it? Like Christmas Eve every day, but with extra sherry.

Pip pip!


P.S. I trust you approve of the new header thing.  It is like it used to be a great many years ago (i.e. 3). The illustration is as usual the work of the genius Dave Shelton, whose new book can be found here; originally drawn when I lived in Brixton (in that London), it applies as much now in Montreal (in Canada), which is both good and mildly puzzling.


the polish chick said...

huh. i thought my reason was no better and little worse than ok, and yet somewhow i failed. woe is me. alas, i shall remain buttonless. why do you hate me?


No you will not. Everyone's reasons were good enough. Did you send me an email? If so, it must have been lost. Please send your address forthwith and the magic will happen. Fact.

DameEmma said...

Alas, am I too forsaken? An email is forthcoming. Immediately.

katie said...

Me too! I will re-send my e-mail and hope and pray.

Lord Philth said...

I too didn't receive. Probably because I didn't order. Life is tough enough without having to think as well.


Ooh yes please re-send all emails; some may have got lost when I gave back old computer to ex-job. Katie, I lied about you- you are in the pile. Yes!

Icy Mt. said...

I await my badge with great anticipation. Thank you so much generous monkey. I am digging the retro header.


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