Sunday, March 21, 2010

I have slightly updated the New Logo For Toronto

This is no longer a joke. Having spent the weekend in Toronto showing my new logo for Toronto to people from Toronto, it is clear that they are really up for a new logo. They liked what I did on Saturday a lot, describing it as "awesome" "really interesting" and "challenging" - except the CN Tower in yesterday's version was someone else's drawing, so I have re-made it a bit using entirely my own work, photographs etc.

Here it is:

I am really up for spreading the word and creating a movement with this one, so let your friends know all about it, especially if you work and/or live in Toronto. And if that's you reading this, City of Toronto, I'm happy to negotiate!!!

Also, I am developing a range of printed products that you can buy (I receive a small commission - see yourselves as supporting me through a period of non-workingness), some of which you can see here. (It is work-in-progress!!!) I have supplied a sneak preview below - a tie that I like to think of as the "Tie of Success".

Fingers crossed my online shop takes off!!!


Megan said...

Goodness! It is indeed... splendid. I particularly enjoy the boxy background to the tower which not only gives fair warning to the viewer that they are about to encounter a graphic representation of a letter rather than the letter itself (useful for those who read t-o-r... etc who are a growing segment of the population according to random English profs I have polled AND the elderly who have significant investments in Canes To Wave At The Young People On My Lawn Inc.), it also sets apart the phallic portion of the logo which, as we all know, is the only interesting bit anyway! Double points for use of exclamation mark btw - that's awesome!

Icy Mt. said...

This blatant commercialization of the awesomeness of Toronto smacks of hard-workingness, Monkey. Oh, the horror!


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