Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I need more songs

Do come along now, readers, we need more songs.  I have had a great number of submissions (some not yet 'uploaded'), but we are in need of some more jaunty tunes; the kind of tunes that make you want to skip and shout "hoorah!".

Here is where we are. To listen to it all, press the big orange 'play' button on the left. Or squeeze the life out of the individual 'tracks' (dread word) by pressing on them with your mouse.

Non-workingmonkey Clockwise Twirl Music by Nonworkingmonkey

And here is where to send me your bangin' choons:

Send me your track

No, I cannot explain the Lightfoot either.

Pip pip!


the polish chick said...

i think i might have tried sending you somefink, but since i am technologically retarded, who the hell knows if you'll get it. still, keeping my fingies crossed.


I have it and I like it! Thank you!

Krazy Kitty said...

I think I might have spent too much time thinking about that.

My brain is mush now, and I sent you a stupid song anyway.

WrathofDawn said...

As for the Lightfoot, I could understand "Great Canadian Railroad Trilogy" or some such, but "Sundown." I am at a loss.

Would like to send you "I Live in Trafalgar Square" but cannot find a full version of it online. Perhaps they didn't have YoooooToooobe back then?

Megan said...

Has no one yet sent the entire soundtrack to Dr Horrible's Singalong Blog? I'm deeply disappointed.

DameEmma said...

Am sending some "tracks" that might make you want to jump around like an over-sugared 12-year-old.
Which is my favourite kind of music.
Because I am ridiculous, and do not care.

Mrs Jones said...

I tried but couldn't do it, but I think you definitely need 'Nice Weather for Ducks' by Lemon Jelly. I even blogged about it and posted the video here -


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