Saturday, May 10, 2008

Day 670: I Have Been Tagged (Again!!!)

Yes it is bloody Katy again! She has a mania for this sort of thing and I do not like to imagine why. But: to the point!

Here were her instructions: "It goes like this: you google “[your name] likes to” and then cut and paste the results." It did indeed go like that, and here are the results. They are all really accurate, especially the one about the rug!!!

Non-workingmonkey likes to ...

... bite her ears

... hold him down by the tail

... conduct each session as a friendly ‘chat’

... convey her somewhat queer imagination though the expressive medium of drawing

... jump and loves to lick you with gratitude

... do ninja kicks off the arm of the couch

... call herself a "yuppie farmer"

... portray a powerful persona over men by leading them on while her hand is in their back pockets emptying their wallet

... help by distributing the packing materials all over the house

... pull, but you put her in her "orthopaedic collar"

... chew things like blankets

... hide inside a rolled rug

And finally:

"I also have a box of turtles that NWM likes to sniff."

I do not have any online web-pals to tag anymore (apart from the aforementioned Katy, but she is more of a charity case), therefore have no-one to tag.

However, if you want to join in the game, see this as an 'open tag' (I have invented the term!!!) and just point out that you've done it/want to do it in the comments box below.



Katy Newton said...

It's lack of ideas. Seriously. Without memes I'd have no blog. If anyone has any interesting blog topics to propose please let me know. The charity case thing is true as well you see.

In the meantime, I will pay the dirty monkeylady MONEY if she films herself doing ninja kicks off the couch and then uploads it for my viewing pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Having ninja-kicked off the couch, she should land on a rug and roll herself up in it, all in one beautifully-executed maneouvre.

Anonymous said...

Done and er... expanded

I was bored ok?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... vast majority were totally dull. I'm not sure what that means. However, one was VERY rude indeed and one shining star was, "play with my stuffed walrus."

Anonymous said...

I'll do it, but I want a prize for participation. Or a prize for being pretty. Or a prize for being clean. Or a prize for being me.

I want a prize!

tea and cake said...

Done! But mainly boring except ... scream a lot!
The mind boggles. Seriously, it does.
Hi, by the way.


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