Thursday, October 11, 2007

Day 457: I Officially Launch My New Career As A "Life Coach"

Regular readers will be aware that only yesterday, I decided upon a new career: I am to be a ‘life coach’, a job for which I am eminently qualified, having no (relevant) qualifications whatsoever and a life (to date!) that could be described as ‘partially shambolic’.

Happily, my lack of qualifications is no barrier to my readers (most of whom are functionally literate and interesting looking), many of whom have written in with some questions and/or problems for me to look at.

Here are the first few – but don’t worry if YOU'VE answered a question that I don't appear to have answered - I'll be getting round to them all eventually!

Léonie writes:

"I have recently developed an unholy fascination with cheese. Please help! Yours hopefully and over-lactosed..."

Dear Léonie (such a pretty name! Is it foreign?)

Let me ask you a question: “Does the cheese make you happy?”.

I look forward to hearing from you again and remember: together, we are stronger.


Chloé writes:

"There is this guy who is hanging around my lab quite a lot and they want me to think he is a new colleague of mine.

However, his obnoxiousness, clam-like social skills and immature 14-year old behaviour clearly prove that he isn't. So why hasn't anybody thrown him through a window yet?

I am too weak and frail to do it myself, what should I do? (Swearing at him spectacularly in French has already been suggested, and tried, not to much effect though)."

Dear Chloé (such a pretty name! Is it foreign?)

Sounds to me like he wants to make the jig-jig with you, to be fair. However, in answer to your question, might I suggest that you re-consider the classic (but always effective) advice: "just ignore him". Show-offs hate that shit.

I look forward to hearing from you again and remember - the answer is inside us all.


PS: Is he ugly? I always find it much easier to deal with someone vile if I can find a way of pitying them.

Marla Fauchier Baltes writes:

"I have often wondered about the increased need in our society for life coaches. What will you charge? I may be one too."

Dear Marla Faucier Baltes (What an interesting name! Is it partially foreign?)

If you ask me, it's because people have got far too much time on their hands and can't be arsed to sort their own shit out. They also cock on about how busy they are the whole time which I don't understand, because if they were THAT busy they wouldn't have time to see a life coach.

Also, please consider this: have you ever met anyone really clever who's seen a life coach? This (rhetorical!) question leads me cleanly to the answer to your second question: £200 an hour. (Well what do you want me to do? They're stupid and have too much money, and I'll make them feel better.)

And yes, you should be one too. There are loads of stupid people who need your help.

Yours in solidarity,


Monkeymother writes:

"I have a daughter who is good-looking, amusing, intelligent and highly-educated, yet she seems directionless at the moment. 

She seems to have an idea for a new career every day of the week, but never settles down to anything except writing her weblog which, while amusing, is hardly a job! 

I do hope you can help."

Dear Monkeymother

Is she happy? If so, I wouldn't worry too much. Also, I am Non-workingmonkey, therefore I would beg you to consider whether she has direction and feels settled in other ways - ways that may be cock-all to do with work!!!

Pip pip!


Laurie writes:

"dear non-working life coach monkey:

pleaes ltell me how i, too, can not work and yet afford chips. that would make me very happy. i will send you $5.

Dear Laurie

Stop drinking. Once you have done that, then we can talk.

Much (free) love



laurie said...

sorry, monkey.
i shall never stop drinking....

laurie said...

ps not that you asked, but my name isn't foreign.
and please send me back my $5.

Chloé said...

It is foreign!

How did you guessed?

Isn't it truly impressive that you, a British non-working monkey living in French Canada, should life-coach a French (working) PhD student living in the US?

Ah, the wonders of the Internets...

However, to answer your question: yes, he is ugly. Slightly repulsive, actually. Oh, and also, I am doing my best to ignore him, but even when I am pretending he is not here he still manages to be annoying. However, it seems that eating chocolate is pretty effective at calming me down...

Chloé said...

"guess", not "guessed", previously.


apprentice said...

I think you should think big and set up a call centre of life coaches, who you will coach to be coaches. Think global NWM. We need a happy globe.

And why are those pumpkins obese, is the problem spreading to vegetables? Please advise.

Marla said...

I am cracking up reading your responses.

Irene said...

As a nonworking blogger, I think 200 dollars an hour is a lot of money. Would you also like to be paid in kind, like maybe get tutored in Dutch?

Miss Tickle said...

Dear NWM,

Why oh why oh why oh why?

Also, shall I become a child psychotherapist or a grown-up one?

Yours gratefully,

Miss Tickle.

jali said...

You are quite good as a life coach. If it doesn't work out I heard there's an opening as a paparazzi for famous bloggers - yanno - like Perez Hilton and the like.

WrathofDawn said...

Dear non-working life coach monkey,

I have a problem. I have read half of the "No-one else found these funny" section of your blog and so far have found them all to be quite funny, particularly the Gigantic Cross-eyed Bear and Blackholevole. Am afraid to finish reading the section lest I discover that I am, in fact, "no-one else" and shall have to change my telephone book listing.

If I am "no-one else," does this mean I can stop showing up for work? I can but hope.

Yours hoping hopefully,
N. Else


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