Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Day 448: I Do Some Thinking About Various Things, Including Tomatoes

As regular readers will be aware, I am very much in favour of non-working (both literally and metaphorically).

The mind, unfettered by the cretinous witterings of retarded colleagues and unencumbered by "To Do" lists beseeching one to do things in which one has no interest, expands; creativity improves; there is time to cook properly and take regular exercise.

Most importantly, perhaps, there is time to stare open-mouthed out of the window, lost in contemplation for entire days on end, whilst drawing contemplatively upon a small clay pipe and adjusting one's thermal pantaloons. (As an aside, it is my personal belief that if every man, woman and child in the Western World spent at least one hour per day just thinking, we would wipe out childhood obesity and global warming in one go.)

I have now been literally non-working for about five weeks exactly. I spent three of those five weeks in London, wishing I were elsewhere and then, as if by magic, an aeroplane arrived and brought me to Canada, where I have now been for over twelve days. And, as I am still non-working, I have had over nearly twelve days to think about things, many of which are very important and/or interesting.

Here are some of my current preoccupations. I know you will like them a lot.

Is This The Most Disgusting Recipe In The World?

Recipe cards in racks in supermarkets are quite a good way of finding out about local cultures, so I always look at them, even if they are in for e.g. Turkish, which I do not understand. (The pictures can still look nice, you see.)

Desperate to better understand French-Canadian culture, I stared for some long seconds at the recipe cards in our local supermarket last night, only to find my blood running cold and bile rising unbidden into my delicate monkey mouth. Here is why:

Allow me to translate (non-literally; approximately, without recourse to either dictionary or Bescherelle):

"Black Forest Gateau" is a chocolate cake, originally from Germany. Rich in chocolate, flavoured with cherry liqueur and generously served with black cherries and whipped vanilla cream, it is of course very popular with chocolate-lovers. Here's a way of discovering its delicious flavours - without having to wait for pudding!

The recipe is called "Black Forest Chicken".

And They Come Bigger Than This Too

This is an alien vegetable seen at a market. (It was surrounded by over-excited Italians taking photographs of each other next to it. It was bigger than most of them, but then most Italians are under 5ft 2.)

I know they are big, I know they get bigger, but still - this one was the size of a rolled-up fat adult (and a tall one at that - possibly a Dutch one!):

But it doesn't stop there! Next weekend, a self-haircutting pathologist and I will be going to interpret marrows and pumpkins. It is almost too much to bear!

Traffic Light People Of The World

I am really confused about the apparent lack of interest in my new website, which I think is really interesting. In it, I am trying to collect different traffic light people from around the world as they are not all the same - in fact often, they are quite different.

The reason I am confused is quite simple: people do not seem to be that interested in it, which is completely the opposite of what my research told me to believe! In fact, a recent poll (conducted on the web-site in question) indicated that "the people" (i.e. readers, regular and otherwise), were "naturally" also interested in the idea of a collection of traffic light people from around the world. In fact, 82% of respondents seemed to like the idea! This is quite a high percentage and one that would normally have the NPD johnnies shouting "Go! Go! Go!" from the rafters.

What this is telling me is that even the most meticulous "consumer market research poll" is not always an indicator of success. Still, I am hoping that my new website will be a slow-burn sort of affair, and that there will be a Tipping Point, at which point it will be eaten by the Big Fish and eventually described as "One Of The World's Top 100 Superbrands".


I am thinking about tomatoes A LOT at the moment. I have a non-stop mouth-hunger for them. It is like I cannot get enough of them. At 8am yesterday morning I lay in bed thinking about Heritage tomatoes and dribbling a bit. It was disgusting.

It is now also time to say in public what I have always known in my head, which is that cold (i.e. fresh out of the refrigerator) tomatoes do not taste of anything. Let your tomatoes be room temperature, and preferably harvested (with your hand and/or mouth) from the defuct fire pit at the top of the garden. Yes.

Media Recruitment Agencies In Montreal

Cocking hell! The truth is that one day I will have to work again. But where are the agencies stuffed full of young thrusting media recruitment professionals, each and every one screaming with glee at my arrival in the New World? I do not know, is the answer; maybe they do not exist at all.

This is a bind, as it means I will actually have to look for a job. In the old days one had only to email off a CV and have a brief meeting with a man who said "have you considered writing a, hem, personal statement?"*, only to find oneself days later having top-flight interviews with chief executives of universally acclaimed communications conglomerates, swiftly followed by a job offer (complete with salary of over $250,000). Sadly, I do not think it is that easy anymore! Maybe I had better try harder.

In the meantime, however, I shall relax in my armchair, fez askew, small clay pipe hanging from my monkey lips, and stare out of the window for a while.

Yes. That's better.

* Yes. In the UK: no fucking way. I am not a cunt. In N. America: it seems you have to, although I do not I repeat not talk about myself in the third person in it, you know: "An eminently qualified marketing professional, NWM has been sucking on her own monkey arse for over fifteen years whilst building brands and differentiating parity products..."


tea and cake said...

yes to chocolate sauce with food, but no! to black forest gatux At All!
yes to room temp tomatoes
um, yep, it looks like you will have to look for work - ooh, I can hardly even type the word wok, er...

Paz said...

Was a bit envious of your situation there for a while, until you mentioned the poulet foret noire...bet you can't wait to go to a dinner party and see what local culinary delight you'll be served!

beth said...

maybe it was the wrong question?

maybe whilst everyone is (naturally) interested in the traffic light peoples of the world they are (maybe) less inclined to be interested in a weblog of the traffic light peoples of the world?

maybe we need to re-poll?

Anonymous said...

Ha! Welcome to the happy world of not-looking-so-very-hard-for-work in North America. I know much about this. Your personal statement, btw, should be re-written for every job application, and should simply take their own ridiculous job/company description and spew it back out. Viz: "non-working-monkey has an ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT, a GLOBAL VISION and a PASSION FOR INNOVATION. At all costs avoid anything meaningful.

Oh, and recipe-wise I assume this means you haven't yet met carrots in fruit gelatin? Or is that not a Canadian crime? [nb - chicken mole is a local dish but I have never, ever heard of adding in cherries]


Bloody fair point to be fair Beth. As it goes there is a man on the Flickr who has been doing the thing I am proposing (i.e., a collection of traffic light people) for an age, and his thing is good. So I had better give up, unless I can find a 'marketing differentiator' or somesuch to give me a 'competitive advantage', for e.g.

Megan - If you lived here I think we would be friends.

Paz - you assume 'the locals' would invite me/us round. Even if they did I would have no idea what they were saying, for the French of the local people is the equivalent of for e.g. Deep Glasgow for a stranger from the East Coast of America, so the food would be the least of my worries. And anyway I would be grateful for some scant human contact.

Tea and Cake - yes. I am always an enjoyer of your comments even though sometimes you are a bit harsh. Today you are not harsh. Hello.

H - yes hmm. I am thinking of something like this. What do you think?:

I am English, therefore not prone to showing off. Please understand that in our land, we underplay our 'skills' and/or 'talents' to the point that if you met for e.g. Richard Branson, you would think he was a postman from Reigate.

However, when I say that I have done a lot of work in advertising agencies and in marketing departments, some of them good, some of them bad, and that some of the time I was OK, I mean exactly that, and am not being disingenuous.

So saying, I am a highly qualified and accomplished cunt-spotter, and can sniff them out at a thousand paces. If people had listened to me in the past, they would not now be in many of the pickles they now find themselves. For this reason and this reason alone you should employ me: I am like Nero, but with a fez, a small clay pipe, and a du monde au balcon

What do you reckon?


not 'a' du monde au balcon. Just du monde. Au balcon.

Ms Baroque said...

Ew. Yes. It is the most disgusting recipe in the world.

Gawd, I leave for three days and look how much catching up I have to do!


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