Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Day 419: I Count My Beavers

At lunch earlier today* in an Italian restaurant in London's fashionable West End of London, I heard quite the most astonishing tale.

The father of one of my companions eloped (at the tender age of nineteen) with the daughter of the British Ambassador to Canada; apparently they paddled away together down the Orinoco river in a canoe. ("I didn't know the Orinoco was a river. I thought it was a Womble.") Apparently they were apprehended just before the wedding ceremony itself and, as far as anyone knows, there was no issue.

So excited have I been by this story that my thoughts have turned again and again to Canada. I have, for example, been inspired to count my beavers; having checked and checked again, it seems that I have three!

Here they are:

Here is Orinoco the Womble:

And here is the Orinoco River:

And finally, for no reason at all: here is a rum-looking hound with crossed eyes.

* with two enchanting companions! One of them is the descendant of a man who once owned exactly a million acres of Western Canada; the other one is immensely tall, drinks Chablis before rough fup-bal games, and can do instant mathematics in his head! They are great.


Anonymous said...

I think I may like the dog better than the beavers. But that may be because I live in the Canadia and have daily access to many beavers.

Anonymous said...

Didn't the man from Western Canada tell you ? Any good trapper knows that you should never count your beavers before they're snatched !


Yes, but Bohemienne - have you actually SEEN one live and in the flesh?

J-Boy- oh sweet Lord! I am afraid I may die laughing!

Irene said...

I think I am very stupid or not quite awake yet and I just don't get it at all. Maybe it is old age quickly approaching, I know it is about beavers and there is a picture of a cross eyed dog, but the rest? Lord help me!

Anonymous said...

That Orinoco business - are you sure it's not something to do with Enya?

Sophie said...

I have just the one beaver, but you would not want to see a picture of it. Really.

Z said...

I chuckled happily when I read the post, but I fell over laughing when I moved on to reading the comments.

It was a cumulative effect: do not, dear NWM, think that I am suggesting that your commenters are funnier than you are.


Z dearest - the comments are usually funnier than the posts. I see myself as Wise to my regular readers' collective Morecambe. This is the absolute truth.

Sophie - yes I would.Is it bigger than mine?

MM - do not use filthy language like that on this web-log otherwise I shall ban you for life.

Irene - there's nothing to get, to be honest, but the beavers are definitely mine. I also have two miniature log cabins.

beth said...

You really have cheered up a bit haven't you? Good. I was worried.

ps I don't like that dog.

Ms Baroque said...

Jonnyboy has made me groan. Argh. I think he deserves a gold star.

Do you know, NWM, the property on which I am currently staying - my mother;'s house, in Connecticut - actually HAS a REAL beaver pond on it?!? You can often see the dams and and sticks and other disturbances of the water and trees, but nobody has ever seen a beaver.

To my knowledge. I could be talking through my, erm, elbow.

Ms Baroque said...

Hm. I meean Johnnyboy. Sorry, J. And of course the beaver pond is not actually ON my mother's HOUSE! That would just be stupid. It's just down the road, through the woods.

Anonymous said...

Yes, NWM, I have seen a real beaver, in the flesh (stop it, you pervs)! More than once! Well, once was in the zoo. But in the wild, too!

Badger said...

It's a shame you are in Internetless Wales as todays new gift on Facebook is indeed a beaver.


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