Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Day 371: I Can Confirm That Québec Is Not Like France

Bread in France

Bread in Québec

Please note: this bread is ultra-moist in two languages.


Anonymous said...

I'm a bit worried by the Sealtest butter, although nobody could think that testing butter on seals constituted cruelty to animals. Does the pathologist have a professional view?

Chloé said...

That's another proof of how French language evolved differently in France and in Canada. Being mixed with English speakers, people in Canada starting believing there had to be a relation between the French word "pain" and the English one.

Ms Baroque said...

Oh, dear. Oh dear.

Somehow, though, dear NWM, I suspect you of effect-mongering! I'm sure that in a land like Canada there is a Mom-&-Pop bakery near you that will supply you with glorious sticky-buns and numerous rustic loaves lovingly baked while you slept...

Anonymous said...

Isn't there an extremely fine line to be drawn between ultra-moist and, well, damp?

Anonymous said...

Sad but true fact - in the Americas (well at least in the large and sort of dingy bit I live in) you can't get genuine real honest-to-goodness European type bread because the wheat isn't right. Terrible isn't it? Mind you, I don't see why that means they have to make it all soggy...

Anonymous said...

Sigh, please don't judge all Canadian bread by this most unfortunate bread-like-product-in-a-bag. I spent many years in Quebec gnawing on perfected breads, that yes, would impress even the snottiest of Europeans. Try one of the splendid old bakeries in Montreal! And, there is equaly fine bread in other parts of the country too, honest an truly.
- A Canadian who takes bread very seriously.


Darling Anonymous, in the same way that French Canadians cannot make bread, everyone in England is still eating suet pudding and cabbage boiled for 10 hours. Neither is true. What is however true is that the Dutch make the best bread. End of story.

Mr Angry -don't be dirty.

Megan - where do you live ? In a tree? come now! Tell!

Ms B - I am taking over the recently-closed family restaurant and opening a British tea room, complete with fools and syllabub.

Chloe - far too clever for me ! but nevertheless I am laughing.

MM - Answer Came There None, although we can cross our fingers for a POV (as they say in wankland) over a Genesis tribute concert sometime soon. Here's hopin'!!!!!!


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