Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Day 279: I Am Yet Again A Subject Of Academic Study

Swift (and, in the main, uncomprehending) perusal of my "Site Meter" stats (Total Site Visits This Month: 3), has proven yet again that I am a favourite amongst academics.

In the past, the range of my university-based readers has been confined (in the main), to Great Britain, with a couple of notable exceptions (McGill in the Canada and Harvard in the Americas, for example).

But no! For now my reach is international. Academics across the world are, even now, sending each other electronic mail in which they exchange "ideas" about me. Recent visitors include top-flight academics from the following august institutions:

From The British Isles

The Open University
Westminster (is this a 'real' university, or a Recent Polytechnic?*)
Bradford (ditto above)
University College Dublin

From Abroad

Papua New Guinea
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Southern California
Texas at Austin
New Mexico
Arkansas Technical University

and (I am delighted to announce):

Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Are YOU visiting from a university not listed here? If so, make yourself known! I'm making a list!

(Oh, and if anyone wants to pay me to be a visiting lecturer (subject: me), I'm still up for it, as long as you cover my expenses.)

* I await a barrage of abusive comments with bated breath!


Anonymous said...

To facilitate and further develop the study of your monkeyself by academics, I suggest that you dub yourself The Royal University of Nonworkinghamshire, and outfit your blog with a proper ivy-covered banner at top, thus allowing prolonged perusal of your sacred texts by said academics with minimal chance of detection.

Anonymous said...

P.S. am somewhat amused by the thought of your Papua New Guinea readership consisting of a misguided orangutan searching for monkeylove on the interwebs.

Unknown said...

I am indeed visiting you from an unlisted university. :P

University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Jude said...

Gosh. That's a lot of universities. I suggest you put it to them that one of them makes you chancellor, immediately, and you can become non-working again.


Jude. I can but dream of being non-working again. I will have to play on the lottery. I am not joking.

Sarah - I am particularly fond of Canadians! Are you one? A real one? If so, welcome!

J-Boy - don't laugh at the reader from Papua New Guinea. She is not an orangutan; I am not, however, sure of her romantic status. As to the rest of it, please submit your suggested designs via email (see above), as I am not entirely sure I can visualise them.

Unknown said...

That works. :P I'm particularly fond of Brits.

I AM a real Canadian. In fact I'm from the nation's capital... I was born there and lived there most of my 19 years.

I've been lurking around for awhile... but thanks for the welcome. :)

Birchsprite said...

I'm not canadian or from a uni...

But I am a little forest dweller who's very fond of canadian mammals!

Anonymous said...

I actually made the cut this time. Feel rather like I've won something... which is sad really because it's the best thing I've won in a very long time. We do have an excellent anthropology dept. so if you ever wish to evolve a bit someone over here will be more than happy to do its dissertation on nonworkingpithicus or maybe, given the crafty talents shown below, nonworkinghabilis.

Jude said...

I too seriuosly dream of being non-working again. I regularly play on the lottery. I do it on line and get emails saying they have exciting news about my ticket. Generally this means I have won £10.

I think they ought to choose their wording more accurately. It ought to be graded from, 'we have some mildly interesting news about your ticket' to 'stick the champagne on ice, start drafting your resignation letter, you are not going to believe the news we have for you!'

This I think would save me a lot of disappointment and wasted trips to the lottery website.

Good luck with your ticket.

Anonymous said...

primate research is all the thing these days. they're probably marvelling at how well you can type with your little monkey hands.

Ariel said...

Ah, fame at last! I am visiting you from the University of Life, does it count?

Tired Dad said...

It's not possible that it's just a bunch of slacker students fucking about is it?


Sarah: excellent news. Double welcome. 'Fond' in the way that I am 'fond' of Canadians? For your sake, I hope so!

Birchsprite: good enough for me.

Megan: "we"? Who is "we"? My word!

Jude - join the bloody club. Did you ever get the CDs by the way?

Rivergirlie: I have no hands. I type with my monkey snout. This is the absolute truth.

Ariel: Yes, as long as you never use that expression EVER AGAIN. (I say this with love.)

TD: of course it is, you fucking cretin, but isn't it so much funnier to think of 'academics' (whatever they are) sucking on their pipes and making studies of me?

Jude said...

Noooooo! You sent them? I didn't receive :-(

I would have said if I had.

What happened to them?

Anonymous said...

I clicked over from JonnyB's place and find that I am just in time to have my university filed away with the rest! I am currently reading from Boise State University, Idaho, home of the Broncos who play on the only blue turf field around, also winners of the Fiesta Bowl. Yep, I love my school. And in response to Tired Dad, that is pretty much what is going on here, except that I prefer to call it "taking a break from studying". Yep.

Anonymous said...

Ah We, The Academic We. See, We get shit pay, lousy benefits and no advancement but We get to consider ourselves part and parcel of the greater University Wedome... which, yes is a completely fair exchange. Join Us. Join Us Now.

Anonymous said...

Ah, so now I must delurk to say that I, too, am visiting from an unlisted university: The University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Anonymous said...

Feeling very proud that University College Dublin has made the list. Any change you could move it to the abroad list as technically it is in another country!

Gillian said...

on your last count, i was your reader at the university of leeds however you may have to strike leeds off your list (unless you have acquired a few more since your last list) as i am now non-working. luckily, like you, i have enough money to buy crisps.

false said...

A am perusing your blog from the confines of my room in Bella Guerin Hall, University of Ballarat, Australia. Commonly known as the foremost rural university in Victoria. Also the ONLY rural university in Victoria.


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