Sunday, February 11, 2007

Day 215: I Blow My Nose

I got home mere minutes ago and started hanging out the washing whilst whistling the theme tune from The Dambusters. As I festooned the radiators with my enormous pants, I realised that the cold-to-warm transition had brought on a spot of runniness around the nose. I put down my pants and went to find a tissue. I blew my nose and it was all as normal, except STUFF CAME OUT OF MY EYES. What's that about?


Anonymous said...

That's just what happens in Amsterdam, like the famous black snot of London.

Ms Baroque said...

Maybe your eyes are shrinking in their sockets - though I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

You've just experienced nasolacrymal duct backflow.

Trust me, I'm a scientist.

Lucy P said...

oh, jonnyboy, that's just lovely.
but, monkey, you don't specify WHAT the stuff was.
WAS it snot? or maybe edam? or clogs? or sex toys?

Katy Newton said...

Nasolacrymal duct backflow is why I never blow my nose.

That, and the fact that I can't do it. Apparently some people are genetically incapable of blowing their noses. It is like tongue rolling. Which, by the way, I can do.

Z said...

Funny, all my children can roll their tongues, but I can't. On the other hand, they all have bum chins when provoked while mine is a (by far preferable) cherry.

What do you do, Katy, when you have a cold?

And (for I'm not wishing to disregard the worryingly interesting question posed by your post, NWM) I'm with Lucy - what did come out of your eyes?


It was only a bit of thick water. Nothing especial. It happens sometimes although it does alarm me slightly every time. Today especially.

I too can roll my tongue. I can also fold it, and touch my nose with it. And do a wibbly thing with my eyes, an odd thing with my elbow, and the egyptian thing with my neck. Other than that, all is as normal, unless you want to include my disproportionately large arse.

Mr Farty said...

I looked up STUFF on Google Images. It's Lynda Carter dressed as Wonder Woman, apparently.

Blow your nose again, NWM, I'm on my way!

Mr Farty said...

Oh. Thick water. Meh.

tea and cake said...

When I blow my nose or sneeze, I sometimes wet myself. I wish I was a middle-aged man instead of a m-a woman on hrt. And ... if you cough at the same time ...!


Do not, under any circumstances, skip with a rope and an even slightly full bladder.

Anonymous said...

Just look at this, found happily by happenstance while trying to find an unastronomically priced hotel in New York.

If I take some photos for you in the M Bar, can there be another Ask MonkeyMother?? Oh go on.... And everybody else who thinks this is A Good Idea is to say so.

Anonymous said...

The gene for tongue rolling is recessive which is why you get children who can and parents who can't.If you can't and your children can either your parents or your partner's parents will be able to.


Quite interesting, as it goes! I like scientists! They are more fun that people think! Especially that Patrick Moore!

Mr Farty said...

Oh yes, Patrick Moore is brilliant. I remember once he dressed up as a Saturnian and did the whole of The Sky At Night discussing whether life was possible on that tiny, virtually airless rock called Earth.

Anonymous said...

NWM - we haven't planned another Ask Monkeymother, but I've been thinking about H and wondering if, despite the light tone of the message, this is a soul crying out for help, so hope you will forgive the following:

Dear Aitch (or do you prefer Haitch? A modern usage I am really trying to come to terms with)

I wondered whether you were finding life difficult, since the break up of Steps, and thought I might try to offer some words of encouragement:

The glittering world of showbiz is indeed a wondrous thing, but Not Real Life, so it is very hard to come to terms with one's change in career pattern. I know of what I speak, as I once worked on the peripherary of this lifestyle and, indeed, many of the celebrities I once knew are still working, even though they may already be drawing their pensions (e.g. Mr Jagger, Mr Plant, Mr Townshend, etc).

However, my advice is: don't look back, move on. You may remember the Good Old Days (and that lovely choreography) fondly, and you might even still get the odd gig in panto while you retain your boyish good looks, but prepare for the future now, otherwise you risk being a "who-the-hell-is-that" when your name caption comes up on Through the Keyhole. After all, look at the changes that Mr David Frost has made in his life - interviewing Nixon one moment, discussing your decorating decisions the next.

I hope this helps
Best wishes, MM

Miss Tickle said...

The same thing happened to me this morning!

Oh wondrous eyes, that have such strange stuff in them!

Z said...

Once, I inhaled a feather through my nose and removed it from my mouth several unhappy days later. I could feel it all the time and it was horrid. Well, it felt horrid, but by the time it came out it was horrible rather than horrid.

tea and cake said...

Thanx NWM for the advice about not skipping with an even slightly full bladder ... erm, bit late though, ugh!

Melanie said...

Looks like snot coming out of your nose when you blow is more common than one would think. I've been freaking my mom out with it since I was little, and now I entertain my kids with the same trick, though it happens at very inopportune when my boss walked by just as I blew my nose...and my eye bubbled all up and started running down my face. "What the he** was that?!?!?!" He was pretty horrified. I just mumbled "Birth defect" and went on with my typing...

Melanie said...

LOL! I mean your EYES! Not your 'Nose'.....


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