Showing posts with label Elegantly Dressed Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elegantly Dressed Wednesday. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

elegantly dressed pathologists

I know, I know: darling NWM asked us specifically to write "something about being on holiday." But I'm not on holiday! The last time I was on holiday I was recovering from a massive blood infection, and - tempting as it is - it seems too dull just to rehash the stories from last year's delightful holiday.

I will be going on holiday soon, but that's not really a holiday as such, more a trip home to the family when I'm still recuperating from all my health ordeals of the year... Even two days ago the GP was saying, "let's just see how you're going by next week." So I'm not feeling excited about it yet and in any case am a bit worried.

For now, though, it is Wednesday, and what better way of taking a holiday than to write an Elegantly Dressed Wednesday post right here!

Living vicariously as always, I have turned my mind to the simian one's impending departure for Canada, the land of beavers. I say beavers live in dams and monkeys live in trees, and she wants to make sure she gets her attire sorted out properly, to avoid confusion. Thinking also of the dear girl's changing personal circumstances I have (with great intrepitude, I might add) sourced a concept that can work for, if such a thing were to develop, all the family.

I rather fancy the idea of a self-hair-cutting pathologist in a monkey hoodie.

Observe, above: nothing could be in better taste. I'm sure that all of NWM's readers will agree. Can't you see her, basket swinging on crooked elbow, as she trips gaily through the pick-your-own farms behind the giant fruit baskets of Québec? In a giant scenario like that I think a family motif is so useful for keeping track of the little ones; you often see these things.

Of course, the only thing missing* is the family fez: but I've thought of that.

And for the Big Day itself? I think NWM will be pleased to hear that I found her the perfect gown - and at the Minnesota State Fair! Nothing could be more suitable (I think their limbs and bodies are hanging down inside the dress).

* I don't advocate clay pipes for infants. Maybe as a teether, but a bit suspect even then, frankly.


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