Monday, December 19, 2011

Now what

I shit you not. I am falling apart.  It is vaguely entertaining to watch. Sometimes people look at me and they say, "Are you OK?", and I say, "I am fine!!". Some people pat me on the shoulder and say, "Don't give up!", and I say,  "I never do". Things I have done since February:

  1. Put back on all the weight I lost last year, and more;
  2. Done something to my shoulder;
  3. Done something to my knee;
  4. Scratched the eczema in my ear until it bled;
  5. Fell down the stairs and thought it was funny because (weirdly) I couldn't feel anything at all, even though landed more or less on head;
  6. Stood in a street and shouted "I am not getting emotional. I am merely saying, dispassionately, that I HATE IT";
  7. Baked over 80 miniature cakes for 'co-workers' (as they call colleagues in North America);
  8. Bought a book called "How to Manage" as a joke, but no-one thought it was funny;
  9. Put those stickers you put on things when you move offices on the 8ft whiteboard in my old office, genuinely believing that someone would unscrew it and move it up a floor to new office whose walls are less than 8ft long; 
  10. Twice left the W Hotel (once in Miami, once in Boston) in a cab to buy giant Post-Its ($50 a pad!!!) whilst said cab waits outside, only to return me to a meeting room for 2 days;
  11. Agreed to a weekly conference call at 11pm on Thursdays;
  12. Agreed to a weekly conference call at 10pm on Wednesdays;
  13. Forgot to send (or indeed buy) Christmas cards; 
  14. Three times in the last week phoned someone up and then forgot why I was calling them; 
  15. Four times last week went somewhere to do something and couldn't remember why I was there; 
  16. Was grateful for the fact that I wake up early, not because I can take time to drink a nice cup of tea and look out of the window and think sexytime with a younger John Humphrys, but because a bonus 5am start means  more time to do work in; 
  17. Called my computer a cunt at least 58 times a week; 
  18. Bought a handbag for quite a lot of money (not more than $300) just because it is more convenient for putting a passport in at the aeroport;
  19. Checked the air miles balance of my various cards to see if I had enough air miles to run away with (to the moon);
  20. And some other stuff I can't remember. 

I am going to Amsterdam for a bit.  Someone gave me some Ambien for a flight I was supposed to be taking to Singapore a few weeks ago, but I am thinking I may 'pop a pill' on the 7 hour flight to tomorrow and spend Tuesday pleasingly furry inside my head.  And then I will sleep for a week, waking only to call Singapore (Thursday, 11pm), and Japan (Wednesday, 10pm). God help us if Australia join in. 

Pip "Snooze" Pip



Megan said...

Ah! I see the problem! You are Entirely Too Good at Your Job!

Don't feel badly, it happens to some very bright people, but it is actually something that can be overcome. I suggest the 'pencil approach.'

Begin by informing co-workers that you have a new hobby: you collect pencils. Gradually introduce more and more pencil-related trivia into ordinary conversations - you know, 'the earliest example of a mechanical pencil was found aboard the HMS Pandora which sank in 1791' or 'Sampson Mordan was a hack and a thief and the real hero of propelling pencils was John Isaac Hawkins.'

Next, be seen at your desk meticulously sharpening pencils to an exquisitely fine point and a single, precise length. After a week or so be overheard threatening pencils that do not conform to standard with a vicious 'chewing out.' Laugh sinisterly at your vile and evil double meaning.

Gradually begin using 'pencil' as your go-to power word. 'I really think we should pencil this project to the next level,' or 'yes, but what is the ultimate pencil here? Have we even established that??'

Hopefully this will do the trick and soon those around you will be sympathetically patting your shoulder and suggesting long and restful holidays far from the confines of the office.

*note: if desperate, I suggest switching from current career to politics. From what I can see not only is this a field completely free from the dangers of competence, but it mostly entails wild sex (unfortunately often rather embarrassing, but, still sex, right?) and some rather good drugs.

Dave Shelton said...

I wish you big chunks of happy sleeping and a good deal of restfully restful rest.

So, some non-working then.

Night night, monkey.


JPM said...

Wow! Can't help but be curious to the extreme about what you are up to..

Alison Cross said...

Wonders what's in Amsterdam that NWM so clearly needs to get her paws on? *looks sideways out of eyes at new 'cheese plant' in corner*

Hope you have a lovely time and don't worry about a thing, we'll be sitting here waiting when you get back.

Ali x

Icy Mt. said...

I love giant Post-It Notes! The rest of your list is rubbish. You are clearly working too much (i.e. anything more than not). Who is this John Humphrys and why has he misspelled his name?


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