Saturday, May 22, 2010

I review the past week through the medium of photograph

Item One: Hipsters seen near where we live in Montreal. On the left, a pleasant hipster, who kept himself to himself and drank his beer through his beard. On the right, the kind of hipster that makes the purchase of my Super Soaker water pistol - with which I will crouch on the dark balcony at night, squirting water at the yelping English-speaking students in the alley behind our flat - ever more imminent.

I should like to point out that the day this photograph was taken, it was about 20 degrees. Stupid hipster and his girlfriend, Not As Pretty As You Think, forced themselves and their asinine chitchat on a nice chap who was having a quiet pint at a small table by himself. He must have felt blessed to such people in his orbit.

Item 2: Sinister house on the way into our village (from the other side).  Oddly, from far away it is even more sinister, crouching malevolently in scratchy grass.  We are not sure who lives inside it, but it is equally likely to be Satanists or fundamentalist Christians. Or blind people who pissed off their house painters.

Item 3: I was in the stationery shop (the like of which I had not seen before I moved to North America: in it are magical things, and fifteen different types of business card holder), buying a business card holder, desk lamp, my favourite pens and a packet of mixed highlighters when I saw this.  It is clear. There is literally no way that you can be a manager unless you have this EXACT chair.

Item 4: I often look up in hope of seeing a unicorn. Instead I see things like booties hanging off flag poles.

Items 5, 6 & 7: During a short walk in Montreal yesterday I saw a number of things within one "block".

First of all, people made of butter looking at nothing in particular:

Some tulips (heads only) left on top of a pedestrian crossing button thing:

My favourite graffiti, which is everywhere in Montreal and makes my fez spin with glee every time:


Tracy Lynn said...

I am amazed at the herd of butter people. Usually they are so shy.

WrathofDawn said...

You look UP to see a unicorn? Well, I never.

Special K said...

Are they really made of butter?

OMG, that is the best graffiti of all time. All. Time. Although, that reminds me of some other awesome graffiti I saw once, also of a dairy variety. Will search it out and share with you.

Lola said...

Why do the butter people not melt? It cannot be cold like a fridge in Canadia at the moment?

Anonymous said...

this my friend is genius; relishing the thoroughly well crafted prose.

i will celebrate through the medium of dance.

LutraLutra said...

That black house? That's the bad house, where the bad people live. *shiver*


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