Thursday, October 08, 2009

I complete my delicious wedding cake

And I am sure you will agree it looks dee-licious. 

In other news, the last week of work before I leave for two weeks to get married, become 40 years old, etc etc, has passed in a blur of anxiety-ridden late nights, emergency trips to the doctor and 2am gnawing on Benadryl.

A trip to Ottawa to talk to some people about chickens was roughly cut short when my lips (for the third time in 10 days) started to swell, joined by a little light swelling and tingling on the roof of my mouth and tip of my tongue.  I looked almost exactly like this:

Not a welcome early wedding present, particularly when joined by a light sprinkling of eczema on my chin and in my ears, but still, regular sucking on some cortisone pills and a light smearing of Vaseline seems to have kept the monster at bay.  

We think it is an allergy; to what we cannot say, and the last time I had patch tests - involving 80 metal pads strapped to my back with gaffer tape for a week - the results came back with a resoundingly helpful "atopic!", from Dr Cream (who does, I am happy to tell you, does actually exist), so I am not holding my breath.

Still, there is much to look forward to, not least the decision about which song we shall make an 'entrance' to in a comedy style ("and now ... the BRIDE AND GROOM!", as we trip and fall down the ornamental staircase).

Pip (swollen) pip!


the polish chick said...

for our wedding i ascended a staircase (the jp's idea - clearly the man did not know me and my propensity to trip on my own two feet on a quotidian basis). as i took the last step, i stepped on the back of my dress and for the first time i understood the phrase "time stood still" as i tottered gently back and forth, hoping to establish enough momentum to propel me forward, instead of back, down the grand curving staircase, and into the emergency ward. finally, like sunlight breaking through the clouds, i managed to break free of the back of my dress and took the last step towards the man i was to marry. and marry we did. yahoo!

Welsh Girl said...

Now THAT is a cake. You would need bigger lips to get your mouth around a slice of that....

Welsh Girl said...

Hmm. That sounded a bit filthy now I read it back. Or is it just me?

Plummy Mummy said...

Wow sounds bad and I feel for you. I got married a few weeks before the big 4-0, was about 4 months pregnant (not a shotgun wedding I assure you). We spent ages picking the song for the 'aisle' but it was a short walk and no one got to hear it. I still play it loudly whenever I get a chance just to make me feel better. Shirley Bassey rocks!

Mr ME said...

Is that you in the picture completing the cake? I hadn't expected the beard or the shaven head.

Indigo said...

Good luck for Snday, dear NWM.

Love the wedding-cake-in-a-bun -"dya wan' fries wi'that?"

laurie said...

truly? it takes two weeks to get married?


Laurie: eh?

And yes, that is me in the photograph. I look lovely in peach taffeta.

Mr Farty said...

Ow! Sorry to hear about the lips and that. I do hope it clears up soon.

Toot toot!

Unknown said...

considering a LOT of people PAY MONEY for lips like those illustrated, i should cherish them, hon!


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