Saturday, September 27, 2008

"This woman is one 72-year-old's heartbeat away from being the President of the United States of America"

I am not a 'politico' in the traditional sense (!!!), but I must say we did laugh and laugh at this! Do wait until the end; it's worth every second.

(If you don't know who Jack Cafferty is, for British readers: he's an American Paxman. For Canadian readers: he's a bit like Rex Murphy):


Katy Newton said...

Anyone in search of more Sarah Palin "comedy gold" need look no further than here.


An excellent addition, if you don't mind me saying.

Anonymous said...

she's scarier than little danny quayle and cyborg cheney combined. on the bright side? every news program is now a comedy channel.

we're planning a 'drinking' game for the thursday night VP debates. Triple Tequila Shots if she says "i can see Russia", "i killed Bullwinkle" or "i'm a hockey mom"...

Icy Mt. said...

Can I vote for None of the Above? The rest of the world should be afraid, very afraid. At least one of the current crop of clowns is going to get elected.

WrathofDawn said...

That's a very scary thought.

I had hoped the first woman to serve as US president would be someone who was actually qualified for the job.

WrathofDawn said...

Oh.My.Lord. I just listened to the Charlie Gibson link in Katy's comment above.

She's like a trained monkey*. She's has all the baffle-gab memorized. She reminds me of the developmentally delayed children I used to work with who could recite questions such as, "What time is it?" in order to make polite conversation but lacked any comprehension of time. You could have said, "It's 300 and 7 o'clock." and they would have responded, "That's nice!"

*I'm sorry. This is an insult to monkeys everywhere. Pls to forgive me.

Jude said...

Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying.

Jude said...

Even more alarmingly, Katy N's link appears to have gone.

punxxi said...

creative editing is amazing, you can find the actual transcripts online if you bother to look for them...changes the entire complection of the interview with old charlie.


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