Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I just may believe this time

"I believe in something; I just don't know what!". Ah yes, the familiar cry of the 'spiritual', often uttered as they roll their yoga mats and gnaw at their Tofu Crust Surprise (accompanied by a light cup of herbal jizzwater).

Sadly, I am an atheist as I can't find any kind of logical reason or explanation for it, any of it (not just the Christian bit of it - all of it), although I have always rather envied people their faith; the nice ones always seem rather cheerful in a calm kind of way, which is always nice to see, and they seem not to worry about a great many things - which is presumably the result of believing you will go to heaven, etc. (I am OK with just stopping living, and am pro-cardboard coffins, cremation, and being spread in the doorway of Mr Gregg's the Baker, Upper Norwood.)

Anyway, something I have seen recently has tested my lack of faith. Is Jesus really my friend? If so, I'm in.


Anonymous said...

Well. I no longer have to wonder about the outcome of Chas & Dave having their wicked way with Marie Osmond. Thank you NWM.

Waffle said...

I am happily imagining the face of the staff of Greggs. Maybe you could be some kind of bonus topping for a pasty? Mmmm.

I like this new, productive, NWM non-work ethic. It pleases me.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Now I now know how to praise my god and still play rock and roll! Unfortunately my god is Ogthar because I find it far easier to invent my own god from whole cloth and choose its attributes to suit the situation.

WAIT! Jesus is going to Zap me? Will it result in burnt orange carpet, Barbie pink walls and collars you can parasail with? I just might have to cheat on Ogthar...

Icy Mt. said...

On behalf of all Christians everywhere, I would like to apologize for this video. Wait a minute. If this band is the Abomination of Desolation then the the end might be near indeed.

WrathofDawn said...


Oh. My... lord!

*wipes away tears*

If this guy is turning the other cheek every time someone laughs at him, he must be spinning at quite a clip.

It reminds me of the Arrogant Worms. Except the worms intend to be funny. No video for that, sadly.


Icy, it seems you are living proof that religion can be a good thing!! hello and welcome.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't watch more than 31 seconds, because all I could see was the face of Suggs singing Baggy Trousers.

Mr Farty said...

Jesus is always with you. Apparently.


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