Sunday, December 16, 2007

Day 512: I Am Going To Fucking Die

I am in my study and this is what I can see out of the window, i.e. not much, because it has been snowing for hours and hours and it is never going to stop.

In England a state of national emergency would have been declared, inc. the Queen on the BBC wearing a bobble hat and asking people not to panic. Here (i.e. Canadia, where I am), they talk about blizzards, yes, but not in a dramatic way; they just suggest driving a bit more carefully and thinking twice before travelling.

I predict that it is only a matter of days before they put on the central heating and accept that it might be time to wear a winter coat, but by then it will be too late. I will be dead, frozen with my hand hovering over the 'Delete this blog' button.


Anonymous said...

no, no Miss NWM.. you have the Lady of Shallot looking after you. All will be well.

tea and cake said...

Er, it's nearly tomorrow here. Are you still alive?

Sarah said...

Well if it makes you feel better, this is a pretty big snowstorm, even for those of us who grew up here. Definitely not a disaster, but pretty awesome. You'll learn to love it! Snow is about a million times better than the frigid -30 to -40 wind chills of January!

Nic said...

And it ain't even winter yet, eh?

This is why my beloved came to the UK, and I dind't go to Canada ... FFS, I'm only 5ft 2", I would be buried in the first serious snowfall...

Anonymous said...

What Sarah said. Snow keeps it warmer, it covers up all the moose poop and it muffles the sounds if you want to strangle your housemate at any point. Just wait for Jan-Feb and you'll know... oh... you will know. (also, I assume the Canadia also experiences "break-up?" That's a good time too. Book your flight to the tropics now so you can get good rates)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should load this lovely Yule blaze onto your iPod machine. It should give you a warm toasty feeling even if it provides no actual warmth or toastiness:

I wonder if they have any sort of virtual mandle candle...

WrathofDawn said...

Can't comment... still shovelling...

Anonymous said...

I had to drive into the city this morning. I am very brave. and not just a little foolish.

Heather said...

looks bad, hope you're not dead. reminds me of that film where the father goes psycho, The Shining


Asta, Dawn - aargh!!! it is still bloody snowing in the nice bit beyond Deux-Montagnes and I am supposed to be flying back to London tonight!!! Have you got snow blowers? Apparently Home Depot sold out in 4 minutes on Sunday and they can't be got for love nor money.

Everyone else - I am still alive, thank you, but am still not used to the expression '...with a high of minus seventeen'.


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