Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Day 392: I May Be Running It Up A Flagpole That I Will Be Saluting Just Outside The Box

Hot news! Frantic voting continues as my loyal readers (and casual passers-by, most of them probably either drunk or in Beijing), thrust their quivering fingers into their keyboards in order to depress an internet button that will in some way dictate my very future.

For when they press that button, they vote for the book I am to write as winter draws in. Will it be a management 'tome', based on the insane witterings of the delusional halfwit in whose employ I currently find myself languishing, or monkey-lit based on my very own life (in which nothing much happens)? Or - and yes, it is a possibility - will it be one of the other two options on the list? These are exciting times, my friends!

But first, an update. A recent 'snapshot' of voting patterns shows that a) most voters are from Beijing; and b) I will probably be writing a best-selling management gurubook called "Who Owns The Yes?". I can hardly bear the tension!

But before I go - some further good news. It is not too late for YOU to take a hand in my destiny. If you would like to review my (really great) book ideas and cast YOUR vote, you can do so here. Ain't life grand?

Pip pip!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to push the envelope. Is that the expression? What does it mean? Where does it come from? Why don't you just open it? Good grief, I've just planned chapter 23 (no charge).

Anonymous said...

I see it as the perfect book - filing the gap between those iconic manual of negotiation

Getting Past No and Getting to Yes.

Quite simply - the book that the world of negotiating has been searching for.

A two book deal obviously - Who Owns The No...?

Can't wait

CRCB1987 said...

We really should do this together. I can contribute the chapter "You may think you own the Yes, but I am from Head Office, so my Yes is bigger than yours.


MM - damn right no charge. How else am I supposed to pay for the home for you and Monkeyfather? The one in Bournemouth that you will be in while I live in Canada and RunningMonkey lives in Amsterdam? That one? Eh? EH?

Philip - Holy christ, is that a real book? I am going to look it up. I like the "Who Owns The No". Me, usually, e.g.:

"Do you think I am doing this right?" "No"

"Do I listen to what you say?" "No"

"Despite the fact that I am an idiot and you are not, will I do what you have suggested?" "No"

"Do you like me?" "No"

"Do you think I am competent?" "No"

These are conversations I have in my imagination all day long!!

CRCB - like that hasn't already crossed my mind? You're in, my friend. In.


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