Monday, August 06, 2007

Day 390: (Apparently) I Am Leaving

It is the morning, and the straggling employees of the advertising agency in which I work are in the big meeting room. It is the Monday Morning Meeting! We are being enthusiastic and smiling only with our mouths. People give "updates" and "status" on things that no-one is really interested in; someone presses a button on a computer; we watch some commercials and talk vaguely about Frankfurt.

As the people talk about things, I count how many days of employment remain: four until I go on holiday on Friday; five when I get back at the end of August. I suck on my cup of coffee and think about Canada.

Then there is an announcement! "And just to remind everyone, this is Non-workingmonkey's last week."

There is confusion. I had begged to be allowed to leave this week. The bossman asked me to stay longer. I agreed to stay longer. What is this shit?

We have a lively debate. It transpires that the bossman has changed his mind. Interestingly, however, it was decided that this information should be kept secret!

I am reminded once again of how much I have learnt in my time in Amsterdam.


Ms Baroque said...

Ah, yes. So - now you have to pack double-quick? Or will you go on hols and then come back to arrange (as they say) your affairs?

Hurrah, anyway, & well out of it! Make sure you have a big fat leaving drink.


Work = money. I am not arguing too much. It also reminds me that there is quite a high chance that maybe it wasn't all my fault ...

apprentice said...

Nice way to do things. I'd ask for the extra dosh as he's breached your agreement.

Hope the holiday compensates.


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