Monday, August 13, 2007

Appropriate Holiday Entertainment

As Regular Readers know, NWM is on holiday in French France. She's off touring at the moment, but I thought I'd better find something entertaining for her to do on her return.

To this end, I had a word with the more influential members of the Comité des Fetes et Loisirs (go on, work it out, you know you can), and they have organised the most wonderful outing for the village, as you will see from the flyer which each household received last week:

I'm sure that, if you didn't know already, you've worked out that a "singe" is a monkey. But otherwise I bet you didn't realise you learned so much French at school.

I should also point out that I have tried to obliterate the name of the village with a rather inferior Intermarché black marker (note to self: quality sometimes more important that price), not only to protect the innocent, but also because we don't want you all coming, as we like the back seat of the coach to ourselves.

A bientôt



Ms Baroque said...

MonkeyMother, so thoughtful of you to organise a fête de singe for NWM! And equally thoughtful that the monkeys in the flyer are not QUITE as cute as she is - no fezes, no little clay pipes. No little silver beavers hanging around their monkey necks. No need to be jealous!

I note you've left the phone numbers at the bottom, too: maybe I'll get up a group of friends, ring up and book...

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms Baroque,

If you manage the local patois and accent, and on the telephone too, you deserve to come. We might even let you sit on the back seat with us, but there won't be enough room for your friends.

Anonymous said...

Hurrah for MM!

And now I want to go to a monkey valley.

Katy Newton said...

Ooh hello MonkeyMother!


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