Sunday, February 18, 2007

Day 222: I Wonder About Inter-Species Love

Regular readers will be aware that in the olden days (before I discovered Canada), I wrote a web-log about internet dating. There, I wrote a little about inter-species love inspired, as I was, by an enthusiastic correspondent. (Sadly, he was not as enthusiastic as I would have hoped, and we never did meet halfway in Upper Norwood.)

Many years later, and after an afternoon spent pressing my nose up against the windows of local confectioners' emporia, I find myself wondering - as I often do - what would happen if you could actually and literally cross a chicken with a rabbit.

Happily, some kind of sixth sense tells me that someone out there probably has the answer. Please submit yours. The best one gets a prize. Not sure what, mind you, but rest assured it will involve little effort and absolutely no financial outlay on my part.

Pip pip!


Nichola said...

Such a question could be answered if one melted said chicken and rabbit and allowed the sticky mixture to percolate.

I think you'll find such mutant confectionery would evolve into a bionic monkey with stainless steel elbows.

Anonymous said...

Well we do have jackalopes here in the States. Do they count?

Anonymous said...

you can see them at this site:

Anonymous said...

That's not a chicken, it's a duck!

And what do you get if you cross a duck with a rabbit? Why, a wild aquatic bunny, of course!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Doh! I never knew you were Dating Monkey.

(I am a bit stupid)

Anonymous said...

Arrrggghhh. Stop with the chocolate.
Of course you would get a chickabbit or was it a rabbicken, anyway I'm with Clare, looks like a duck to me.


Duck, chicken, whatever. I'm low on material.

Anon - "stop with the chocolate". Why? Because you like chocolate and are tormented by shiny chocolate hares/rabbits/squirrels/ducks/chickens? Or because you find the repetitiveness of my web-log tedious? if the former, fear not, I'll be distracted by something else before long. If the latter: suggest you chose a blog, any blog, from the list on the right and read that instead.

Martina dear - delighted by the animal to which you refer. Thank you.

Reading the Signs said...

- or you could read my blog, anon - no laughs and a tortured rant about chocolate and migraine. Oh well, please yourself.

Just eat them both and see, nwm, and see what issues forth. In me it would be migraine.

Reading the Signs said...

which is even now gestating, prob due to chocolate abuse. Hence unable to string sentence together.

Reading the Signs said...

but it's playing on my mind. Of course it's a chicklitt.

Reading the Signs said...

No, a chicklit.

Anonymous said...

Nooooo I LOVE chocolate and your blog although not quite in equal measure. Sorry but the choc wins hands down. Spent a large part of the week-end drooling at wonderful confectioners windows tis all.

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest, only the crazy (but great) Dutch would put a rabbit and a chicken (or duck) in a cracked agg together...

Mr Farty said...

My vote's with RTS, although I thought chicklit was, er, like Bridget Jones and that.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

u get this

Anonymous said...

All choked up at the caught-in-time magic of the rabbit-duck romance there.

Of course you realize that two days after this photo was taken the rabbit had to confess that his almost-but-not-quite ex bunny wife had seen it on the internet and was now asking FAR more in the divorce settlement based on Nefarious And Unauthorized Activities in Eggshells. Plus she refuses to accept custody of the myriad of rabbit children which, let's admit, is a fairly major issue in bunny divorce settlements. Anyway, Ms Duck was so shattered by the whole thing she threw herself under the cavalcade of chocolate paparazzi cartoon characters (see post below) and thus came to a (sorry) sticky end.

Sad really.

apprentice said...

What's this, kinky chocolate? Is that viagra scattered at the foot of the egg? (which BTW is now available over the counter at Boots cos people are too embarrassed to ask their doctor for it, they'd rather ask a spotty 17 year old)

The true symbol of Spring is the hare, so I think it's a hicklet.

The pussy willows are out, although they look and feel more like tiny rabbits feet to me. So I'd like sprigs of white chocolate pussy willows as my prize please NWM.

Reading the Signs said...

So - who gets the prize, nwm? I wonder what it can be - no financial outlay would seem to rule out chocolate or a free weekend in Amsterdam.


You're all winners in my heart, dear readers. You are also (as far as I can tell), all as mad as a bucket of fish and, dear Signs, in your case also keen on the booze.

Post to follow. I have had two picture submissions on the subject that are astonishing and will at some point be shared with you all.

Reading the Signs said...

Chance would be a fine thing, nwm - as would a magnum of champagne.


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