Thursday, February 08, 2007

Day 212: I Am Alarmed By A Carrot

Check this mother out! This single specimen was enough to make enough carrot soup for three people. I have included a pencil (standard size, HB) and a beaver (real size) to provide an accurate sense of scale.

No saucy jokes, if you please! This is not, and I've had quite enough of that sort of thing of late, what with Dutch electricians turning up on the doorstep offering to tweak my intercom.


Anonymous said...


That would put some lead in your standard size HB pencil.

Z said...

Ooh, it's like the story of the Great Big Enormous turnip, where they pulled and pulled with all their might, but they still could not pull it up.

Anonymous said...

Great pic. I was going to print it out but the printers broken. Guess I'll have to call the attractive and oddly under-dressed technician to fix it.

Surely wearing a push up bra and poorly fitting dungarees contravenes health and safety!

monkeymother said...

Warning! Not suitable for human consumption (nor for beavers)!

The size suggests alarming levels of pesticide and artificial fertilizer which will undoubtedly affect your, and the other soup-drinkers' *, immune systems. And it will taste like an old wardrobe door.

* I worried about this: drink or eat soup? Or does it depend on the consistency?

Morgan said...

What about saucy jokes on the topic of beavers? Are they allowed?

Katy Newton said...

That's one big orange mofo.

Anonymous said...

If you really want to go native, don't make soup, make Hutspot.

Anonymous said...

It is alarming, you are right. And I can't think of anything to say about it that doesn't involve GREAT BIG WILLIES so I shall stay quiet.

apprentice said...

Well I'm just grateful we're still talking veg, over a week in and I thought we'd be on to big flashing pink dildos by now - only glimpsed from a window of course. (splg? I don't want to check it as my spam filter will overflow.

I hope that carrot's organic?


Beaver jokes always allowed. It is The Law.


MM. I think you eat it, although I usually spill it down my front, as you know.

Apprentice - Hott Sexxyyy Amsterdam is on the other side from where I am (I am in the sedate and proposterously beautiful Jordaan). So I have no cocks to show!!

Apprentice and MM - The carrot was NOT organic! Also he had three brothers, and they were all individually wrapped in plastic. I cannot even begin to tell you how fucking awful AH the supermarket is. This morning however I went to the organic market (round the corner, yes, only 2 minutes' walk away) and bought my vegetables and chicken and honey and nuts and dried fruit and and and and it was REALLY good.

I am off to look up the hutspot. Is it in the red light district?

Anonymous said...

I have visited AH and know just what you mean, except you can get good coffee and almond cakey things there.

As for the hutspot - be careful out there, we don't want you getting in a stew.


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