Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day 190: I Am Greatly Cheered

Discounting two hours spent at the gym (where there is no time to think or feel anything), the Bad Mood that began the moment I woke lasted six hours. No mean feat, considering I once had one that lasted seventeen years.

Anyroad up, the black clouds started to lift following a conversation with Kathryn at Norwich Union (who said she'd give me £2,892), some scrambled eggs on dangerous black bread and a quick go on Supertramp, and finally fucked off out of it when I read all about the winner of The Insignificant Awards and laughed until my nose bled. (Mainly at myself, for going to see if I'd won anything.)*

Oh, then someone sent me this. Which is enough to cheer anyone up.

Note: Be very glad this stops there. It was six times longer, and about why blogging is indeed Insignificant, including my desperately fascinating thoughts on "why I blog". Happily, I realised it was astonishingly dull and, more importantly, a bit of blogging about blogging, which is frankly Unforgiveable.

Update some hours later ...

* Talking of awards, Tim (who seems pleasant enough despite not being able to distinguish between an otter and a monkey), has given me an award for being "funny", which is kind of him, although I fear he may be laughing AT rather than WITH. Do go and look, if only because he has "bigged up" (as they say on the streets) some good blogs as well, e.g. dearest Anna.

I like awards very much, so if anyone else would like to give me one, do feel free. The only condition is that it should involve no effort on my part, no sending of $10 to the Ohio Poetry Society, and no subscriptions to either Reader's Digest or Which? magazines.


Anonymous said...

Nonsense, there is nothing like a good bit of metaweblogging! And indeed what you did was metametaweblogging because you weblogged about weblogging about weblogging

Ms Baroque said...

Oh my God I love that dog. And I think I love that farmer too. And the director.

Ms Baroque said...

I want to go there.

Reading the Signs said...

I have sinned

Pants said...

Your bank makes you breakfast? You must be more important than you think.


UCL - for once, you are being quite funny. (Have you noticed that I have decided to be slightly rude to you? I think it is a sort of random affection.)

Ms Baroque - good isn't it! I love him too a bit.

RTS - what? Have I missed something?

Ms Pants - I agree, appalling punctuation, but there is a comma that's supposed to sort it out. It's very clunky, isn't it. I shall go and re-write it immediately.

JoeinVegas said...

Congrats on the awards. Yes, you deserve them.


Funnyp, yes. Who are you?

Joe - thanks, but it's Tim, and he can't tell the difference between an otter and a monkey.

Anonymous said...

Clare, think yourself lucky. I click on them and they won't play at all. Anyone would think my employer wants me to work instead of watching video clips and that. Never mind, Mrs Farty tells me she's getting me a PC for my birthday, hurrah!

NWM, congrats! I heart your blog.

Anonymous said...

I love that dog. Dogs should all be like that, ie. just like cats. (and by cats I don't mean squeaky bat-cats).


Re. videos. Oh well.

Re. awards - all very kind, but really - oh, you know. Otters, monkeys, etc.

J-boy - I like her daughter, who is 'worse that useless'. I wish I could argue with you about squeaky bat-cats, but I can't.


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