Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Day 125: I Demand A Peerage For St Ken of the Livingstone

£25 for owners of 4x4s! I love you, Ken. The rest of us will pay £8, assuming we Cannot Avoid Driving (although we should take the Public Transport when we can), and Laugh At You Until Our Faces Ache.


Lucy P said...

i heard some fuckwit yesterday who said "this is entirely unfair! it's an attack on the affluent!"

too fucking right. what's wrong with that?

if they're stupid enough to employ a 4x4 in London, they're ripe for attacking.

and if they're called miranda or jocasta.

now, will you PLEASE stop blogging so well and so much. I have too much to do. thank you.

beth said...

I heard that this morning & laughed like a drain.

'An attack on the affluent'


Well, how *does* a drain laugh???

Anonymous said...

Blurrrp blurrp blaah is the noise that American drains make while working. Hummer H2s-the cast of CSI Miami drive them on the show. Unless you have a tribe of children or have to haul remodeling and landscaping supplies why do you need a huge gas guzzler?

Anonymous said...

I heart Ken. I know it's wrong, I just do. He's one of the Imaginary Husbands.

I sat in on a desperately depressing staffroom conversation today about The State of Britain Today, mainly involving Daily Mail readers. I managed by the skin of my teeth not to run amok with a paring knife.

But only just.

And Ha! Ha! at the 4x4 drivers. Pillocks.

Anonymous said...

It's all well and good, but even though I'm not a reviled 4 x4 Chelsea Tractor driver, do your readers realise your hero 'Sir' Ken's stategy takes in normal cars too (such as mine, hpmhh)
It includes such normal cars as Audi A4, Fiat Chroma, Peugeot 407 and even certain Ford Mondeos. I ask you....
The French countryside beckons more than ever...nothing so draconian there!

Anxious said...

beth - like Martina says, I think it's the gurgling which would be like a nice, productive, throaty laugh.

Excellent news on the 4x4s. They are a menace in so many ways - have you tried pulling out of a car park space when one of those things is parked next to you? The drivers might boast of good visibility from within, but it's at the expense of everyone else's!

In other news, I have to agree with Lucretia here - NWM, you are too prolific! I can't keep up!


Papa. Fair cop. But still. Let me be Happy. For a While.

And laydeez - remember! I do not WORK! I have NOTHING ELSE TO DO.

I fucking hate the Daily Mail. There is NOTHING good about it, apart from You magazine on Sunday but I would never Pay Money For It.

Tracy Lynn said...

DO NOT LISTEN TO PEOPLE WHO TELL YOU TO STOP BLOGGING. I will NOT have them screwing with my entertainment,and further more refuse to be punished by their inability to not be distracted. See that? I'm so panicked that I'm completely mucking up my sentences. I'm going to lie down now, and perhaps mutter a bit.

Anonymous said...

Oh lord, MF got to the electronic equipment again.

I'm all for Ken and his works and I'm writing to that new Pope person asking for beatification straight away.

I'm trying to persuade MF we should get a Toyota Prius, but he's not convinced the boot/trunk thing is big enough for all our junk when we go a-travelling.

Tired Dad said...

Do you know. I read about this in the news-on-paper whilst bussing it to work this morning and immediately thought of your joyous reaction.

The internet is weird.

beth said...

Is the 'prius' the thing that John Cusack bought for all his family?


I love John Cusack

ps thankyou for simplifying you word verification for me while I am a little pissed.

Anxious said...

beth - Cusack is mine, all mine

*rearranges Cusack shrine*

and "uiexmpqv" to you too!

Anonymous said...

I say some of that congestion charge profit should be awarded to cyclists for:
a) Not polluting
b) Not being a burden on the already overstretched NHS
c) Having nice legs.

Mikey said...

The 4x4, like the BMW, is the official snack vehicle of the deluded simpleton. This is one of those rare occasions where I find myself in accord with domestically-violent terrorist-appeasing bendy-bus lover Ken.

And he's spoken out against teenagers playing irritating mobile 'phone music on the Rosa Parks seats.

Let's hope he doesn't do anything else sensible. I do so hate to modify my prejudices.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I come across terrible congestion it's either caused by a bendy bus that didn't make it through the intersection, or two busses on a trying to pass eachother in opposite directions on a narrow road.

Please don't give the money to cyclists though - we get enough trouble from mindless cretins trying to kills us because, "I pay my f**king road tax and you don't! Get out of my way." It would only get worse if the cretins thought we were being paid to bounce off their side mirrors or put our handlebars through their windows.

(Lucy, it's not a tax on the affluent. We're affluent and we have bicycles, a motorbike and a Volkswagen. There are a few 4x4s outside the council houses down the road though - including the bouncer at the local strip club - why should he have to pay £25 to get home safely in the middle of the night in his 1979 Landrover?)



Here is my problem. When I think "4x4", I see idiots, stupid blonde ones, who cannot drive.

I omit to think of all the Other Things, like normal cars for normal people, and the 1979 Landrover. (Except he would be Exempt if it were the middle of the night, no?)

As for bicyclicicicicists, no, they CANNOT have some money. Well they can, and then they can give it back, because they:

1. ride without lights or visible clothing of any kind at night
2. overtake each other really slowly taking up the whole road, for NO PURPOSE, even when they have their own cycle lane
3. scare the living shit out of me by appearing out of nowhere
4. cycle on pavements (not the first time this has been said)
5. are smug
6. have stupid helmet hair.

People! Let's take the bus!

As for BMW owners: I can think of one exception to this, but one only.

Mikey said...

7. Routinely make mobile 'phone calls while riding their bikes. This is annoying, silly, and hazardous. Plus, if you hadn't already guessed, it pisses me right off.

(word verification is wkabyk, which is what people of the future will say when they are describing a wanker's bike)


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