Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Day 118: I Consider Compilation CDs

From what I gather, most people stopped making compilation tapes when they were fifteen. A boy would nervously "make a tape" for a young laydee, carefully choosing a suitably woebegone image to cut to size and insert into the case. The Smiths would usually have to feature to prove that he was Sensitive; if he liked pretending to be a bit depressed (in the mistaken belief that Being Depressed Makes You Seem More Interesting), he would probably put a bit of Joy Division on it. Meanwhile, back in bedrooms across the land, young laydees were making tapes for their friends. If you were very unlucky, you'd get Altered Images and The Eurythmics.

Me, I was listening to Dire Straits when I was revising for my O-Levels. I hate Dire Straits with a passion, but for some reason their first record (on tape, of course), provided exactly the right tone for Geography. (I got Grade C.) I never made compilation tapes, though. I thought they were sad. I started late, you see.

I went out with someone once who sneered (in my car, as I was driving him somewhere nice to do something nice): "Oh, you and your iTunes playlists". (We split up soon thereafter.) But in very recent memory, I have been given compilation CDs by Gentleman Callers ("This is a bit ... depressing. But Interesting." Like him, without the interesting bit, if I remember rightly.) My friend Louis always makes me compilation CDs ("Guess what it is, Monkey. Guess. Yes! They're all songs about giraffes!"), as does my friend M in Scotland. And I cheerfully make them back, unconsciously, humming a bit, drinking tea and looking out of the window.

The truth is, I'm a knobber. I have an iPod (or three). I have iTunes. I have CDs that fall on my head when I open cupboards. I am aware that it is Very Difficult to be a Laydee and like the music Very Much without men getting huffy. (Music is a Man Thing, like fupbal.) I still remember being sneered at by someone to whom Cool was important in my car, and it makes me go a bit hot and feel that I have to make Excuses for myself. But why deny myself this Simple Pleasure? Everyone knows I'm a knobber, and I haven't been cool since 1993 (and that was only briefly), and about two years ago for about a minute in France.

I have Decided. I shall embrace my knobber-dom. I shall make compilation CDs fearlessly and with Enthusiasm, and adhere to the following rules:

1. The name of Monkey, do not think about it too much.

2. Never put something on that you don't really like because you think it will make you look clever and interesting. (This is the same as reading books you don't enjoy so you can sound like a cleverclogs at dinner parties full of knobbers. And no, reading Alain de Botton does NOT mean you Understand either Love or Philosophy. Also, his head is Disproportionately Large.)

3. Hope that the person receiving the CD will like two songs out of, say, 15. This is a Good Hit Rate. Do not try and make it so they will love it all. You Cannot Tell, and Cannot Guess.

4. They will not hate you if they do not like All The Songs.

5. But they have every right to hate you if you put James Cunt, Keane or Phil Collins on it.

6. There is nothing ironic about Yes, post-Peter Gabriel Genesis or Chris de Burgh. There is only a World of Pain.

7. Adjust the levels if you can. Elbow gave me quite a fright last week.

8. Do a list of Things On It if you can, otherwise it's annoying.

9. If you like it, do it. (I am hoping to create a Backlash so that I will feel less Ashamed. My strategy is to encourage everyone else to do it endlessly and without cease, so that making Compilation CDs is as normal as, say, eating cake.)

10. Do NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, try and woo someone back with a compilation CD. This only brings a World of Shame and will make your subject throw up on their shoes. ("You thought Macy Gray was appropriate? You are more chucked than ever, my friend.")

11. Equally, DO NOT compile a CD with 'hidden messages' in it. "In and out of love and institutions", "And I would give you my heart (that's if I had one)" may well be misconstrued.

Two things will now happen. My esteemed readers will turn away in disgust, or will Support me in the Construction of Compilation CDs. Me, I'm going to the Post Office to send a compilation CD or two to Canada. All that remains is an anxious week waiting to find out if I'll have to cancel my flight in December.


* (asterisk) said...

Well done, NWM. I heartily agree with steps 5 and 6. Go forth and make your CDs with abandon!

Anonymous said...

I used to make comp. tapes for friends who were clueless about music and so were always appreciative, and probably still are - I'm sure that tape with the "Clan of Xymoxx" song is still playing somewhere. More recently I have been known to make comp CDs, but the problem is that with all the MP3-players, people take what they want out of the CD and mix it all up with their own stuff, hence thoughtlessly destroying the carefully crafted progression and evocative mood that you, The Artist, have painstainkingly put together. As long as you can live with that, I support fully your endeavour.
Also, I listened for the first time to a song by Keane yesterday, and I kind of liked it. Do you hate me ?

Anxious said...

I made a compilation tape for Big and when I say tape, I mean a tape (this was only 3 years ago - I was a bit slow on the uptake).

I ended up stealing it to play in my car, I liked it so much!

Then he got me an iPod.

I have now skipped the "burning CD" stage altogether and just make playlists for myself on iTunes.

Can you "give" people playlists?


You are Foreign, so liking Keane is OK. Also they did one song that I liked until I found out it was them, which means I am shallow and should probably die.

I never, ever break up somone's compilation thing. They are Stored As One. I may OCCASIONALLY take songs out here and there but the POINT is the progression. Apparently. I'm not very good at that bit.

This song of which you mention - sounds super. Should I look it up?

Thank you dear * for your support.

Mikey said...

I make a great many compilation CDs - the generally feature a mixture of things I think my wife will like, and things I think my daughter will like. This means they get played in the car. We only listen to music while we're polluting the Earth. My most recent effort features Faithless covering The Cure (I've never known a woman who wasn't a teenage Goth) and something by Belle & Sebastian about monkeys escaping from a zoo. If I get the balance right I can get some pretentious dad-rave in there without getting rumbled.

Dave Shelton said...

"in the mistaken belief that Being Depressed Makes You Seem More Interesting"

Mistaken? Really? Bollocks.

Better cheer up then I suppose.

Anonymous said...

How can you not like Dire Straits, especially Romeo and Juliet? I don't know. And all I know is in my day there wasn't any such thing as compilation cd or even compilation tape (which for me was born with Nick Hornby's High Fidelity) - there was only long-playing records, and the fabulous MONKEES. I'm a Believer!

mist1 said...

I knew a guy that made several copies of his best mix-tape. He handed them out to girls to let us know how special we were to him. I'll never forget the time that I heard my special mix on my friends stereo.


pink jellybaby said...

oh! i've not made one of those for years. I used to make them using the radio. trying to cut out the ads and try to stop and record at the right time...

Anonymous said...

Yes! To compilation tapes/CDs. Always yes! Besides they are so ridiculously easy to do with iTunes that really there is No Excuse not to.

I should like to add the following to your rules:

2. God, I have done this too many times and am still regretting the Natalie Cole on the blues dance compilation I made a few months ago. Thank god for the skip button.

5. or Dido.

6. I have a soft spot for some Yes, (we all have our dirty secrets) but would never inflict it on someone.

Oh, how I wish my CD drive were not quite so comprehensively fucked (that's a genu-ine technical term).

Anonymous said...

Xymox: Much to my amusement, they are still around and abusing hairspray, after more than 20 years. If you can find "A Day", do listen, it should be extremely funny, in an unwitting way. Kind of like Rammstein: Du hast always make me cry with laughter.

Anonymous said...

Does my head really look that big?

Pants said...

I never stopped making compilations but then again I probably did mentally stagnated at 15 so that sounds right.

beth said...

I did compilation tapes & I still 'do' cd's.

They were always for Educational Purposes, except once or twice when they had Hidden Meanings.

I thought I had a Duty to pass on brilliant things that other people hadn't heard of. Like XTC & stuff.

I am mentally stagnated at about 19.

Tired Dad said...

I was going to say something funny/interesting about compilation CD's.

I can't be arsed. But I shall say this. Is. One. Of. The. Best. Posts. Ever.

For fucking loads of reasons.

Davenelli said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Davenelli said...

Oh shit!

NWM has once again rumbled the male psyche by exposing the reasons that small boys and rather older boys who are still mentally small boys make compilation tapes/cds.

Should I stop doing it now? Are you sure it will not entice the laydee into the sack?


Yet again the simple truth about this blog remains: the people that read it (and the comments) are a fuck sight more interesting than a) me and b) the posts. I now draw a deep breath aaaaand ...

Mikey - I was not a teenage goth, and disliked The Cure enormously. I have had a recent Reinvigoration Of Interest but still hate The Love Cats. it is Foolish.

Shelton! Come now! MAYBE making a compilation tape will cheer you up. Think of it!


Andie - Hello! Cup of tea? OK fair cop that one's OK. I'll give you that. In fact I think the first 2 albums are OK. It's when they got all "i want my mtv"that I started feeling bilious.

Buttons - Hello and welcome. I love you a bit. I was doing that as recently as 1993. This Is Not A Joke. I do remember taping the Radio 1 Top 40 and trying to 'edit' it. This was in 1903 with tape on spools the size of Wales, obv.

Emma - yes yes yes to all. You can buy a CD drive for about £20 these days from what I gather and that. In fact I have a spare (I got a mac like a twat and it has it all in it like the Magic). So you and Clare can submit 3 reasons why you should have it, and I will Judge. If you disagree we will just go and have to drink it out.

Johnnyboy - you surprise me at every turn. What is this song of which you speak please? I have Looked At the website you so kindly link to and must admit to being Slightly Alarmed.

Alain - hello and welcome. I am very much afraid it does. Has no-one told you before?

That's So Pants (is that your given name?) - I salute you for not being Crushed and for doing what is Right, namely making Compilation CDs out in the open and freely without shame. You are To Be Admired by All.

Beth - 'Senses working overtime'? Fucking brilliant. I am very fond of bits of XTC, and bits of Orange Juice and also (dare I say it) Hue and Cry. Fucking hell. I said that out loud. Well, one Hue and Cry song.

Tired Dad - Oh stop. you will have me hiding in my fez again.

Clare - you hurt me with your words. See above for fight-off for unused CD burner. You have the edge, as you Have None; Emma's is merely Broken.

Comment Deleted - hello and welcome. Obviously I am now Agog. Did you call me a knobber? Did you? Go on, do it again. It wouldn't be the first time.

Davenelli - see Mist's comment above. No no don't stop - you MUSN'T stop. It won't entice, but it may encourage. Girls really like Dido, James Blunt, James Morisson, the more sensitive Phil Collins numbers, 'My Heart Will Go On' by the only Canadian I do not like (apart from Rush), and "Everything I Do, I Do it For You" by Bryan Adams. Just a tip.

Lucy P said...

on the subject of putting hidden messages in things... i once did that with a postcard with what I though was a very subtle message. apparently it wasn't that subtle and i pulled. sadly he was a twonk.
as for compilations... you have no need to be cool any more, you're a grown up. do your compilations, goddammit.

Anonymous said...

I would like a compilation. How about a random one for me??? My iPod could do with a spring clean.


Lucia mi amore, I am In There.

Jude - to prove it - send your address to the 'email me' thing above and CDs Will Follow. No 'Kids from Fame', I promise.

Anonymous said...

I feel so untrendy. I don't have an Ipod or MP3 player, don't do compilation tapes or CDs and when I first heard the expression "burn a CD" it freaked me out. Also didn't know the difference between I-Pod and MP3 player until recently. Just use the CD player or good old fashioned wireless...er radio.

Anonymous said...

Its just that no-one has ever mentioned it before.

pink jellybaby said...

you love me a bit already? excellent....
you know 1993 was a good year for music, i'm not surprised you were still taping the top40


Martina, if you are HAPPY, that is all that matters.

Alain, you are not Alain de Botton. He would have remembered the apostrophe.

Buttons - yes, dammit! I was 24 in 1993. Don't you think I should really have known better by then?


Re. your iPod. (Cue one million people disagreeing):

- you can install iTunes on your PC
- and you can run your iPod off it - I did until I got me mac
- I have Different headphones as the iPod ones are as you say rubbish
- you can recharge your iPod by plugging it in to your PC (transfer the musak then just leave it plugged in)
- you have no need for iPod as you have In-House Music Supplier. So ... all is OK. Phew.

Anxious said...

*sobs pathetically*

Anonymous said...

This is Cheerful One at work. I doubt the firewall will let me through but Try I Must.

If Clare already has a CD burner do I win by default or do I have to Try Harder??


pink jellybaby said...

oh, hmmm. i was 10 and had a pink tape recorder...

Anonymous said...

Clare - read my new book

The Architecture of Happiness

Anonymous said...

I have a big forehead and actually extremely clever.

I received a Double Starred First from Cambridge and a Master's in Philospohy from KCL.

Naturally, I am a better driver than Alain and Jensen - though not as short or as good looking.

I do speak French


M. de Botton himself is not annoying. I met him very briefly once at a drinks party in Fulham. He is quite short though. (Aren't you?) A vast majority of his readers are however quite annoying.

However, I Do NOT believe that The Real Alain de Botton is commenting on this blog. I shall need Proof. The Real Alain de Botton would put caps in the right place, would not put an apostrophe in 'Masters', and would probably not forget the full stop at the end of his fourth sentence.

Clare - I stand corrected. Sort of.

Lucia - I 'oof' in sympathy. Along with you, Anxious dear.

Cheerful One, I think the CD burner is YOURS. Please apply through the usual channels (i.e., send me an email) and it shall be Despatched.

Anonymous said...

It's okay to like Keane if you're foreign? Since when??

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Ms Pepper would like this site - its full of postcards and (secret) messages



He would also know how to spell Philosophy correctly too, I guess?

Lucy P said...

philip... another secret message in a postcard: http://unkemptwomen.blogspot.com/2005/06/blog-post.html


Anonymous said...


Love your art, btw.

Anonymous said...

It's okay to like Keane if you're foreign? Since when??

Since foreigners are speshiul.


Ooh I love postsecret it is BRILLIANT.

J-boy, not ALL foreigners are speshiul, as you VERY WELL KNOW.

Lucy P said...

philip, thank you! :)
monkey, do you appreciate that your comment box has become a branch of starbucks (without the coffee... where's the coffee?) what with all this chatter going on. nice one.


I know, and I completely love it. But continue to be annoyed that it is more interesting than original post.


Anonymous said...

I should like to say hello to Lucretia. Is that allowed? Helllooh Lucretia! (If it's not allowed I withdraw my helloooh).

I just wanted to. I know that if this was Starbucks there would be security guards pulling me away by the arms by now, but....pshaw.

PS am I the only one that never gets the poxy word verification right first time??

Anonymous said...

apropos your kind offer - Earl Grey, please. Milk and half a sugar. And while I'm here (I know this is really for the quiz post but I thought I'd look in here for the tea), I think a lot of people secretly shut their eyes and drool along to "goodbye my lover" by James Blunt and are secret Blunt-lovers (not me, honest)just as in the 70s people really loved Abba songs but didn't admit it. That's what I think, anyway. Thanks for the tea.

Davenelli said...

I must confess to a severe bout of comment envy on this post.

50 sodding comments or 51 including this one. I'm always pleased with anything over one.

Oh...it is NEVER EVER ok to like Keane...EVER.


Andie, please do not underestimate my feelings about Blunt. This is Not A Joke!

Re. Starbucks. As delighted as I am that so many beautiful people should gather about this blog and exchange ideas in manner of an eighteenth century salon, I would rather you were drinking Illy coffee, or perhaps at a pinch Lavazza. I cannot Countenance the work of Starbucks. Their coffee is not Coffee, but the Piss of the Satan. If you are in the UK I recommend you drink your coffee from:

1. Cafe Nero
2. AMT Espresso
3. Costa Coffee

(In that order. In the last 2 order an extra shot.)

Obviously you should go to Bar Italia if you can but that involves going to Soho and being a bit of a twat, so maybe not.

If desperate a strong latte or cappucino from Pret is an Acceptable alternative. If not, drink tea.

Also, while we're on the subject of coffee:

1. most French people in their houses cannot make coffee
2. coffee from granules is not coffee. It is a Different Drink. Certainly not unpleasant, but not coffee.
3. If you want to know what Satan's Bile tastes like, put 20p in one of those machines and press the button that says 'white coffee'
4. I have never drunk coffee in the Americas, even though I have been.
5. Whoever invented 'cappucino' in a single serving sachet should be taken outside and shot.

You are talking to the daughter of a woman who has an espresso maker the size of the Duomo whose idea of Normal Sunday Morning Coffee was (and remains to this day) a face-sized cup containing half a pint of espresso with some hot milk in. I follow her example today, but have it every day in the morning. It is Wrong and will probably Kill Me. But hey ho. It makes me happy.

And no, decaf doesn't "taste just the same".

Lucy P said...

first, hello cheerful!
second, monkey, forgive me for suggesting your commentatory box was a starbucks. I have been standing in the corner and have had time to think about it and it was very wrong of me and their coffee is probably not coffee (but I do like their raspberry muffins).


*gets coat and runs.

p.s. don't ever drink those instant cappuccino things in a sachet... they make you fart wildly.

p.p.s. i'm normally a nice person confronted with oiks with no taste... but if someone comes to my house and says "haven't you got instant?" I tell them in no uncertain wouldn't it be more efficient to just say "certain"?) terms that they are oiks with no taste and to get out.

Anonymous said...

I think it's about time we did away with the kudos of being first commenter, and started competing to be last.

It's meeeeeee!!!


ps real coffee or nothing.

Anonymous said...

You haven't lived until you have drunk Hazelnut Coffee.

Personally - i was unable to go beyond the first sip

Anonymous said...

Didn't like it at all - despite the enticing smell wafting across the hotel foyer.

One sip - and yaaahghha

The hotel (US) didn't serve regular coffee at all - Nut / Vanilla / Cherry etc none of your actual coffee flavoured coffee

Anonymous said...

Yes - I see what I have done there

I have ired you with my irony

Ten thousand apologies

Lucy P said...

does that mean i can have the last word then? :)

Lucy P said...

are you sure?


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