Thursday, October 19, 2006

Day 101: I Have Visitors From The Open University

Welcome, Open University Students!

May I say, first of all, that I salute your endeavours. But what strange referral brings you here? (103 doctors came here in a day once. It was dead exciting. Never heard from them again, mind you, but what did I expect?)

If you want to know if you can do a PhD in me, then the answer's yes. (What's your thesis?) But only if you leave a comment telling me how you got here. (You can do it anonymously, you know.)

Yours curiously (and mildly stalkery-y, let's face it; I mean News International were on for HOURS today).



JK said...

It's not really very British, this blogging thing. What I mean is that I read about 3 blogs written by people I don't know. I read them regularly, always scrolling down to make sure I don't miss an entry. But to leave a comment is almost beyond me - it is almost physically painful to get past that British reserve.

So ok, now I have done it, just let me say:

1. I LOVE The Pursuit of Love - have you read all the others too? Love in Cold Climate is just as wonderful, Don't Tell Alfred is OK.

2. Bloody cars are nothing but trouble.

3. Why on earth would you have wholemeal flour in your house. I'm just going to assume it was a shopping accident.

4. Sleep with the neighbour. He will spend the rest of his life tiptoeing past your door and acting like a mouse when indoors so that you don't realise he's in.

OK, I should probably delete the last one cos it makes me sound like a bitter feminist, which I'm not. It's just a cheap joke and a cliche - I don't care enough to remove it though.

Anonymous said...

Because I followed you through from an OU A215 tutor's link and then posted your Blog link into an OU Conference saying please read this.

You are very funny. Write beautifully. I have read every single one of your days since......

Sadly, although I Blog I've forgotten my password and have to sign in as 'Anonymous' and there's nothing anonymous about me.

I'm Morning Loves It here in BlogWorld.

You give loads of fun to the reader and I believe you deserve more of them.

Anonymous said...

From kate, the 'chicklit' OU tutor.

I followed her link to you and then posted into an OU Creative Writing conference and then.

Meanwhile - I am anonymous because I can't remember my password.

I am Morning Loves It

Anonymous said...

That was me twice (sighing)


JK: Jolly pleased you left comment(s). I reply below.

1. PoL wins it. Completely agree about the Alfred one but it's still pretty good.

2. This is a Given.

3. I was trying to make muffins on Day 1. This is Not A Joke.

4. I would rather eat my own head than sleep with him. He is Repellent, and like a child.

Hello, Anonymous. All three comments splendid. There is CHICK LIT TUTOR? Fucking hell. But who is Kate? What is her link? Why is the world not flat?

V. glad you like blog. It will Turn at any minute, so enjoy it while you can.

Anonymous said...

At the end of every Blog entry she recommends a read and you are mentioned.

Must get a new password so I can get in.

Léonie said...

I am not a OU student, but I nevertheless feel the need to comment.

Can you do studies in chick-lit? It seems peculiar. I did feminist literature when I was at university but I am sure that it can't be the same thing at all.

Léonie said...

Saw this and thought of you:


L that is very funny, that thing. I am a bit in love with him.

Kate Harrison said...

Yes, the OU course in Chick Lit is traditionally taken alongside the Emmerdale (Rural Affairs) module and the Feminist Theories of Britney Spears MA.

Sometimes I do regret my blog title (the chick lit was always meant to be semi-ironic) but hey, too late now.

Belated happy birthday,


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