Sunday, August 13, 2006

Day 36: I Get A Nice Review And It Makes Me Blush A Bit

There's some people who review blogs. They aren't paid, they just do it. They are often very rude, and putting your blog up for review is tantamount to sticking your head in a hungry lion's mouth. I read them everyday because they're good, and so should you. Anyway, they reviewed this blog. If you want to see the review (although why it would hold any interest for anyone other than me and my mum I don't know), go and see them here at Italk2much. Made me a bit blushy as it goes. Surprised they were so nice as they did go and have a gander after 2 slightly weird strong-booze-and-horse-cough-medicine-induced posts.

Oh, and if anyone fancies doing a bit of web design in return for monkey nuts or a brisk rub, do let me know.


Maritza said...

I looked up that site and you should be proud. They are mighty harsh critics. I love your blog and I'm glad others recognize it. I submitted mine, let's see what happens.

Kav said...

Nice one on the review. It's cool to see someone from this side of the pond, and your posts have made me chuckle. You are blogrolled! ;-)


I am still blushing. Not very English showing off is it but I couldn't help myself. Cough. Thanks for the er nice comments and that, and for the blogrolling Kav. xx

Anonymous said...

I was suprise as how polite they are this time. They sure gave you a good review. Well done!


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