Monday, July 17, 2006

Day 8: I Consider The Possibility Of A Cosmic Clean-Out

There's people out there who mutter about fate and that. And they go, tout est pour le meilleur dans le meilleur des mondes possibles. And I go, shut up you twat, say it in English: everything is for the best in the best of all possible worlds. Now, the world isn't the best, we all know that - which makes me question the veracity of 'everything is for the best', but don't you sometimes just look around and go: hold up, this is weird, surely someone is trying to tell me something?

Not sure who, mind you. I don't really believe in God. I don't think fate exists; sometimes circumstances happen that, many years after, you realise you exacerbated yourself. I don't hold with those folk who hang around crystals, and I don't believe in the Chinese thing about not having shit under your bed (although not having shit under my bed has made me feel better, granted). I think I believe in truths that are muscular and unarguable. I like it when people say things that take the wind out of my sails. I like being fed obvious truths that make me think.

But this is ridiculous: to have everything taken away, with enough money not to worry for a while? That's not normal. Maybe someone is trying to tell me something. Just maybe.

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